C. Suresh would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.jambudweepam.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 65

Looking for feedback on my blog

C. Suresh
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Trekking and travel experiences, some personal musings and my take on ads. Not being much of a photographer, there are very few visuals and whatever there are will be photgraphs taken by others!

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
from Kerala
12 years ago

I do like your blog name. I wish I had thought of it for my blog :P

I liked the ones under Ad Agonies the best. Probably cos I pay close attention to ads to rather than the programmes. 

Some of ur posts are really funny. And you're writing is strong, clean-cut and straightforward. The appearance of the blog... well, its not cluttered atleast. I'm not too fond of the font type.  And I wish your words weren't sorta crushed together to one side. Its pretty neat, ur blog. Maybe a little too neat. I mean I know people come to a blog to read and not to look at the designs. Still, do look through the template options in blogspot. You're writing is good enough to make people forget bout the design.. But can't hurt to prep it up a bit. Hope my review has been useful. Do keep writing! 

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hi Anju,

Thanks for taking the time and effort to give a detailed review. I just used the default template, font and what have you! I do not really have an eye for design and, if indeed i looked through the templates and chose an alternative, I would probably make a hash of the selection:):). I'll see what I can do about the font though..that much should be well within my limited capabilities:):)

Thanks again!

from Bangalore
12 years ago

your blog Name is good

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago


somesh mahanty
somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

I saw some of ur posts. I liked the "Heaven in hell" posts. Ur writings are mostly funny and li'l satirical at the same time! Ur title layout taglines, all are greatt! O i forgot to mention, I liked ur "I m on song" best!  I could relate to it well

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thanks Somesh! So nice of you to take the time out to convey these compliments

somesh mahanty
from durgapur
12 years ago

u r welcome! now u owe me a review :)