Raghav Modi would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my blog. Thank you

Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi
from Gurgaon
10 years ago
A blog full of personal anecdotes, my humourous views on being a father, the occasional book review, and some occasional mumbling.
Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Arpit Bhargava
Arpit Bhargava
from Jabalpur
10 years ago

I really like your template, the only thing which I doesnt like is that there are too many post on the 1st page.

Raghav Modi
from Gurgaon
10 years ago
Thanks Arpit. I have three posts on the first page. I always felt that was a good enough number because having just one or two is looked upon by many as a way to get more clicks on a blog. I do agree that by chance two of the posts are very long and thus the page seems to go on, but that changes with each new post. Thanks
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi Raghav - here are my two cents...

  • Never, ever use Comic Sans for any other topics than it was originally made for, that is Comics. Go to this website to learn more and why!
  • Love the pictures and your writing, however the font used for such topics is a huge let down personally
  • You are not letting users to comment using Custom Name and forcing them to use only the list of options available - this may put some people off and they wont comment
  • You should use the "Read more" option for such long posts.. that way, you are able to manage to have more than 3 posts (4 or 5 being ideal) on your home page.
  • And please, do not use the Comic Sans!

That would be it! Keep Blogging

Raghav Modi
from Gurgaon
10 years ago
Hi Hemal. Thanks for your comments. Here is what I have to say; If we only use anything for the purpose it was formed for, we would miss out on imagination and discovery and that would be a far greater loss to society than say someone using a font in a fun blog. So respectfully, I disagree and shall continue to use the font. Furthermore, while you have continuously stated that I should not use Comic Sans you never said what font I should use? I'll save you another trouble which I have experienced. See, blogger messes up fonts when it publishes. From my experience CS is one font that stays the same when I'm typing it on word processor and when it is published on my blog. Therefore I like it. I'm sure each font has a back story and if we were so hell bent on such mundane topics when there are other so many important issues to worry about, we'd get nowhere. Yes! If this were a font that was difficult to read, or the size was too large or too small I would have understood, but for now, I cannot accept this. With regards to "Read More" I try to not make the reader click more than it is required. The blog post lenghts vary, so while the present day page might seem long, it will automatically shorten if the next post isn't long. The custom name comments have been disabled due to high number of spam messages. Once again I hate using capcha and thus don't have it on my site. I'm aware this might turn off some people, but I feel those who really want to comment and not just say something in the box to add links will do so nevertheless. Thanks again and sorry about the font which you feel so passionately about.
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Well, I am not here to defend my comments Cool but hope more insights will help you make a better decision for your self! 

  • if Blogger screwes up fonts, it is because your template is set to follow a font that is different than what you may choose in your editor. As a best practise, you always should use the same font in all your posts. 
  • I like the way you think - about missing out on imagination and discovery and that would be a greatler loss to society - but in my opinion, Comic Sans has done worse with the amount of usage. Visit the link I gave to give you a prespective of what I am talking about. 
  • Somethings, sometimes are always a personal choice - so it is am assuming is the font face for you. Remember, on your blog its your readers who would read the text - they may or may not like it irrespective of your choice. 
  • Again, I like the way you think about minimizing multiple clicks. If people are coming to your blog for content, they might as well read more posts than they can see. Ideally, as far as my Web design and management experience goes, Home page should have minimal loading time as that is the first place where people go most of the times. And a longer posts upfront pisses off some people to stop reading in depth - check your analytics for time spent on page/post, and you will get my point. 
  • About Commenting system - no comments InnocentSmile
Raghav Modi
from Gurgaon
10 years ago
I've read the link you sent, but like I said I don't think it's as big a deal as it's been made into. What is to say that the next font I use won't have another back story to it. Please don't take this in a negative way, but I visited your blog and found the font you use to be very bland and boring. My blogs are fun blogs, and like I said since I'm happy with CS I have been using it across my blogs and in all my posts since. As for home page loading, haven't seen too much trouble with that. As for analytics, if I ever take blogging as a profession, I'll worry about that. Once again my apologies to CS for using it but in all honesty if we were to use it only for the reasons as are stated in the link, I don't think it would be as popular a font as it is now. Cheers!
Arpit Bhargava
Arpit Bhargava
from Jabalpur
10 years ago

You can add read more button for that.

Raghav Modi
from Gurgaon
10 years ago
The read more button would once again mean that someone has click on it. My point is to reduce the number of clicks.