Neha would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 46

Review Neha's Blog

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey friends,

Your opinion does matter!!!

Replies 1 to 20 of 21
Lalit Singh Chowdhary
Lalit Singh Chowdhary
from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Neat blog, the template is good and it looks preety neat.

You should consider using copyscape widget if you are concerned about people copying.

Keep writing



from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thank you Lalit for reviewing and for your valuable inputs..I have installed those widgets now..couple of my posts have been copied by a website..I will do something about that too..


thanks a lot again :)

from Bhopal
14 years ago

Fantastic Blog Neha. Keep it up and Happy Blogging.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thank you very much Sanat for reviewing :)

Neha's Blog as its subtitle says, is something about everything... and by everything it means every small thing, every joy, every happiness, every mood, every moment of fun, sadness, feeling that we take for granted and forget to notice in our fast life! Neha's makes us introspect, think and rejoice...

Whatever I can say will always be less, for Neha's is more than what mere words can express....

And Neha's is one place that rejuvenates and before you know you'll be back there to find that little bit of that honest lighthearted banter and simple fun.

I know this is not a review of the blog owner but the blog itself... But it was the blog first that made me fall in love, find a friend that words acnnot describe, with the blog owner, Neha. After all it was the blog I loved first, that showed me the wonderful person who was going to be an anchor in my life, acroos time and across miles....

Neha's blog is a place you discover life and fun again... and once you're there you're hooked tight and proper and for once, it's an addiction that does good than harm... and all the while you'll be wishing 'I wish I could write like her'....

It's an un-ending and most enjoyable journey! 

Love, Guria. Smile

P.S. The first post that hooked me onto Neha's Blog was The Ultimate Painting, a fiction. Read it and you'll discover part of the magic the blog holds.


from Mumbai
14 years ago

G, thank you girl..your each word means so much to me..and i am sure you know are the bestest gift blogging world has given me..I put up this review after you asked me to; and after seeing the overwhelming response to my Blog - I need to thank you again and again (I know it is not required; but this is the least I can do for you at this moment)..


to be really very honest - I wish I could write like you G :)


PS: Thank you for mentioning my dearest post here :))

Sangeeta K.
Sangeeta K.
from Mumbai
14 years ago

You're blog is, by far, the best one i've seen. Ever!

The template's great, the writing style is immaculate, the content is alluring, widgets are place on correct spots, and it all makes sense! And you can see that via the number of readers for your blog, too.

I'm one of your followers now, girl! Keep it up! 

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Sangeeta, oh my! thanks a tonne for this compliment :)


I am so glad you liked look as well as the content of the blog..thank you for joining my blog buddy group :)

Parth J Dave
Parth J Dave
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Neha's Blog is an awesome blog and one of my favourites!


The simple look complements the superb style of writing and adds up to an incredible reading experience. Neha's writing is very realistic and practical. In fact, the number of people who can relate to her posts can be easily deduced by the massive comments at the end of every post of hers! 


Neha has this rare ability of converting her daily observations into a master work of writing. You actually feel like reading her content again and again.  


Just a few suggestions about the blog layout, Neha. If you wish to have your readers make full use of those LinkWithin suggestion, I advise you to place it above the Reactions widget. This will give a better exposure to LinkWithin and will help readers find interesting and relevant content. Also, the blog sidebar can be improved. I find some empty vacuum spaces in the sidebar which can be resourcefully used. There are also a few instances of the blog widgets and links getting too crammed up. So, you could organize them a little better. Overall, the blog looks wonderful and hardly has any drawbacks. I just feel that your blog would look neater and even more wonderful if you could just consider my suggestions. Thanks!


All the Best! 

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Parth, thanks a tonne for that wonderful and generous really means a lot..I am glad you can connect to my posts :)


and a special thank you for your valuable suggestions..I will work on those in two three days :)



from Birmingham
14 years ago

Hey the above comments say it all.. Need i say more .. They all speak the truth and volumes of Neha's blog.. the articles are excellent, they make you smile, think and Grip you so you go to the last word.

Your blog is one of the best ones i have been reading, always looking forward to the next article..

Keep up the good work and all the best .. I wish I would have come earlier and written all that the other have written ... :)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Bikram, thanks for reviewing..those comments above said much much more re..and if you feel the same way; then I am touched to say the least..thank you :)))

Paramvir Singh
Paramvir Singh
from Mumbai
14 years ago

neat blog, neha. ;loved it!

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thank you Paramvir for reviewing :)

from Basel, Switzerland
14 years ago

Awsum blog Neha...left a comment and bookmarked it as wel!

Please do review mine some time:




from Mumbai
14 years ago

thank you Vasu :)

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Thanks for the review on my blog, Neha.

Now what to tell about your blog. I just love your wise topics and witty takes on those topics. Your words speaks your mind and I love reading every bit of it.

Keep blogging,

Nethra. :)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thank you very much Nethra..I am glad you enjoy reading my blog..and yeah; I do speak my mind all the time..:D

from Hyderabad
14 years ago

hi Neha,

I saw ur blog and thought of giving some comments. Your blog appearance has much of a formal look. Not sure if you want it to be that way. Moreover, are you so concerned about the "Do not copy thing" After all, nothing belongs to us. Most of our thoughts come from external sources. Creative Commons license could be much more fun... DO NOT COPY sounds bit paternalistic.. I felt like giving some candid comments. Your writing style, pepped with humour, is cool:) 

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Venkataraman, thanks a lot for your candid comments...really appreciate it :)

Formal look - I like it this way..I am pretty boring when it comes to designs..prefer simple stuff :D

Do not copy thing - as my posts have been copied in the past..and I do not agree with you when you say nothing belongs to us. our thoughts may come from external sources; but the way we present it is ours completely right? both of us can write on the same topic. the difference is that I am at my lousy best and you are at your creative best :)

I am glad you liked my writing style..thanks a lot once again :))

Somebody Somewhere
Somebody Somewhere
from Kolkata
14 years ago

I started with the objective of writing a review but i think ill settle for a comment about your latest entry.

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense. People who are brutally honest get more satisfaction out of the brutality than out of the honesty. And Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well. 

Quoted and delivered!

from Mumbai
14 years ago

thank you for your comment Rahul...I am a (wo)man of some sense :D


kavita saharia
kavita saharia
from guwahati
14 years ago

Neha's Blog  is one of the most ALIVE blog i have come across in blogger.Her page welcomes you with a classy and very reader friendly template.It is easier to load and is very neat.

I love this blog because it is not predictable and is never repetitive,a fresh topic every time -it offers  a wide variety in terms of  good quality content.Humor,rant,random stuff,legal topics,fiction,poetry,sports,tags (yeah her tags are fun to read),food,weird (you don't want to miss them).

Her writing style is wonderful....its lucid and is able to portaray a full range of topics .Her witty sense of humor and intelligent observations make her blog post instantly popular .You might stumble upon a mild sarcasm at times.I love the way she uses Hindustani in her articles.

I have been following her blog since Nov 2009 ...i am completely hooked on it.Whenever i have time -i straightaway dive in to her blog and read her old entries.Here are some of my most favorite blog post which i would like to share ....

My people my world.........

My honest answers.......... Life is beautiful........... on and after 26/11/2008-My Take............... Domestic violence Part 1 and 2.............

                                           ................    A Day with Her.................. Labels Posters etc........... Nehatrix with two left feet......... the Tigers .................... Gossip masters.................. is not always the best policy.....
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Kavita, thank you thank you thank you..I am truly blessed to have a reader like you..whatever you have mentioned about me and my blog - I am speechless!

the posts that you have mentioned here are my favourites too - not for the write ups but for the topics :D

again - thank you is a small word for what you have are a jewel :)))

Vijay Bankar
Vijay Bankar
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey read a few posts n gotta tell u im coming back for more...

great work...

do check out my blog as well


any tips or suggestions would be really helpful

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks Vijay for reviewing..will surely check out your blog soon :)

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
13 years ago

Very interesting blog, makes a good read.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks a lot Sanjeeta!

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Neat Blog.. I misread the blog url as Nehalism for some reason :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago


Prateek Varshney
Prateek Varshney
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

Hey nice blog... very nice template :)

Written it very straight and clear... liked many posts in ur blog. Keep blogging !!


Do look at my blog and post ur feedbacks if u find tym to do so :P :P, i know am nt tht a writer like u but try to write few lines ;) ;) . . .


Take Care !!

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks for the review Prateek..I am not a writer either..just write my thoughts..will surely check your blog!

from Mumbai
13 years ago

One Word "Awesome" love your blog

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks Vishal :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago

hey tell you one thing.....whatever you posted about the real beauty, i just completely fell for it because i too have been thinking the same.

now i guess i have roped in for myself a very wonderful critic.

even i have participated in that contest. can you pls do 1 more favour by reading my perspective for real beauty.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks Anirudh for reading the post! all the best for the contest..will for sure read your post!

from Mumbai
12 years ago

hey & even i write fiction

i have written my 1st episodic story can you pls pls review it?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I don't write fiction, but I will read your story soon !

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Professor and Blogger. I am very impressed with Neha.

Coming to Neha's blog - Amazing, Good Content.

One suggestion -

Change "enter your email ID" to "Subscribe to Neha's blog" and bring it to the top of the page

Best Regards,


Small request - Kindly review my site and provide your comments.
