Pawan Lokhandwala would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 81 - Need blog reviews and suggestions

Pawan Lokhandwala
Pawan Lokhandwala
from Surat
8 years ago

Techandroids is a premium website to find latest Tech News and updates about Smartphones, Tablets, Gadgets and specifications.


IndiBloggers, Please review my Tech Blog and give me suggestions so that I can improve, fix issues, generate more traffic and help the community. Bloggers, may be we can help each other out.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
8 years ago

In your footer, you've mentioned copying is prohibited without credit. I am assuming you're trying to say that copying without giving credit is prohibited. 

Pawan Lokhandwala
from Surat
8 years ago

removed some text, thank you!

Pawan Lokhandwala
Pawan Lokhandwala
from Surat
8 years ago

Thanks, that did not sound right. I've removed "without giving credit is prohibited". How can i improve traffic and get more backlinks as well? More suggestions for the website please.

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
8 years ago

In this line of work, its tough. You're practically a media so you'll have to work very hard for few years. You need to personalise press releases, not just copy paste them. Every company posts features but not lack of certain features- gyroscope and some other functions are usually not present so highlighting the lack of feature gives a more balanced perspective. Try talking about other phones with same/ similar set of hardware (which shouldn't be hard. there are so many brands but ultimately use the same components). Similarly, talk about mobile SoCs, controllers, standards and new innovation. 






Make sure to see if you can use your own images rather than stock. Its more personalised and honestly a lot of these images are rendered anyways. Personally, I would stick to a single niche because of the name. Not all who check out gadgets are bloggers and its not going to make a good impression when they see "make money online" over there. Two completely niche that's best not present within the same site. If its a tech website, maintain a pure tech website. The website's name has the word 'android' but it also includes desktop hardware and networking. Either you stick only with Android or choose a name that reflects tech coverage in general. 






See if you can get press invitations for such product launches. Attend, take photos but most of the gadget launches happen in Mumbai and Delhi. Get a good camera for making videos. Do weekly podcasting and talk about phones and its specs- or general tech news. It will take a long time for companies to notice and send samples, so in the meanwhile at least you can make videos of yourself talking about this. Of course, presentation is very important so you will have to make a lot of effort. Hindi or english, doesn't matter. Both command a lot of readerbase. 

Pawan Lokhandwala
from Surat
8 years ago

I've never copy paste any Press Release (apart from the quotes).

Each tip / news I get, I research it and than write. Agreed, i'll write about phones with simillar hardware and talk more about SoC's.

The name (TechAndroids)  includes Tech and Androids, so technically gadgets do fall in the niche. I do concentrate more on Androids as most of the phones or tabs are some where conencted. Smartwatches also run on Android wear. I've removed make money onlien category (I totally agree with you). As far as blogging is concerneed, i plan to write how to's and tips and tricks etc.

Point 3 - I totally agree with you. I need to find sources for press invites and do podcasting, make videos, presentation and language.

Thank you very much. Suggestions are always welcomed