Bhavia Velayudhan would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 44

Please review my blog

Bhavia Velayudhan
Bhavia Velayudhan
from Chennai
14 years ago

This blog is my fourth attempt..I am happy that now I am able to write on anything i love..I am not sure whether my posts are very personal though people seem liking it..Even I prefer writing my posts regarding personal experiences as it makes me write better.Kindly review it and let me know the improvements that I could make.

Thank you Laughing

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Fazeel Kazi
Fazeel Kazi
from Navi Mumbai
13 years ago

Yeah....ppl must be surely liking your write very well and captivate the reader.

I loved - "The Others"........too good.......reflects my mentality. But sometimes I go too far about not caring about others.

And yes, the review: The only comment I have is that you're showing the entire article in homepage. Just show 3-4 para's and the reader will click for details.

You can check out my blog for an example: 

Not sure though if you wld like the idea.


Bhavia Velayudhan
Bhavia Velayudhan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Thank you Fazeel for looking into my blog Smile

Vishnu vardhanan
Vishnu vardhanan
from chennai
13 years ago

I hav read one of your post"the others "..It was good....



Nice and thoughtful.....Blogging is about writing what ever you find funny and things that touches your heart...In a way i could find that in some of your posts......

Bhavia Velayudhan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Thank you for comments :) :)

from Chennai
13 years ago

hola bhaviya,

read a few posts in your blog...they are really good and the way you draw inferences from things happening around you is a damn good concept. Since I am also from chennai, I could relate to a few of your posts :D but there's one chotaa thing thts bothering me when i read ur blogs...u seem to be in a hurry to put up ur posts. It is evident from the spell mistakes and grammatical errors scattered here and there (which somehow I am quite sure are not due to lack of knowledge or ignorance). Ur concepts are spend a little more time on each post and also use the spell check and grammar check option wordpress provides. Do check out my blog too and gimme feedback.


Bhavia Velayudhan
from Chennai
13 years ago

Thank you for going through the posts.Yes its true that i don't read my posts after writing it but planning to sit and find out the "missed" words Cool