Blogadda vs Blogjunta

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago
I recently joined Blogjunta, i find there is some activity in the forum, bloggers have requested for friend adding etc, while in Blog adda which i had enrolled myself two months back there is literally no activity, except probably automatically my blogs are fed i suppose. Please narrate your experience guys
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I haven't joined any other. Totally absorbed at indie blogger. East or west , indie blogger is the best. That's my sincere opinion.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I am seeing lot of Indibloggers on the forums mentioned Smile

i know it, umesh ji, but i don't see much point in them, there is superb potential at indiblogger

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I blindly support you! I signed up with many services, its purely for back links. 

Its only on IndiBlogger that I am active as a member coz other communities do not have such a platform.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

One good feature of Blogjunta is that we can find out who is online and offline ? Smile

That's no big deal Umesh Ji, you can put that up at your site too. Btw. Someone has a travel site by same .com name.( backpacker one) His theme was great. If he has stolen yr name u can steal his theme.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Pramod i am aware there are some imitators, backpacker is a generic name so i cannot claim copyright on it.  India Backpacker was chosen me to represent budget travel Smile  Some people are experts in twisting the name and getting maximum milege, the other site has more hits

Umesh ji, if you see on my mrriagebook on left hand side you will clearly see all who are online and offline, online in green glowing button, & offline in  red button

Sabyasachi Patra
Sabyasachi Patra
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Long back I had joined Blogadda. I am yet to figure out how to take benefit of it. 

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Mr Patra, Blogadda has not helped me but Blogjunta has some life and interaction among members try it Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I too joined blogjunta recently and its ok. The forum called the lounge is not very active like here.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Of course the membership of Blogjunta may be a little lesser when compared to Indiblogger, lot of common bloggers one can find over thereSmile

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Indiblogger rocks as it gets fellow blogers to read and their vote feels special. And regular contest is like icing in the cake as it challenges one to write about topics one might not have thought. 

Blog Adda review of books seems to be quite happening..

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago
I think each of them have their own Niche. Indiblogger Pros - Excellent community and forums. Feature to showcase posts and get votes. Regular contests with amazing prizes. Indi Rank. Large member base. Indiblogger Cons - Most contests are closely related to advertiser's products not giving sufficient scope for creative writing. So far my feeling has been that votes are based on netwroking rather than quality of writing. Blog Adda Pros - Spicy Saturday and Tangy Tuesday picks where best writings are picked purely based on quality of writing. Book review program. Interesting interviews and other articles are produced. Blog Adda Cons - Not much community to speak of. Not much opportunity to showcase and promote one's blog. Blog Junta Pros - Attempt to straddle best features of both Indiblogger and Blog Adda. Contests offer more scope for creativity. Has voting system similar to Indi blogger. The editors pick and recognize quality blogs on a weekly/montly basis similar to Blog Adda's spicy and tangy. Has forums giving opportunity for community development. Few interviews/articles also posted now and then. Blog Junta Cons - Still taking baby steps. Does not have strong member base yet. The site is till developing and does not have professional look of BlogAdda or Indiblogger. Contests don't have sponsors and hence no prizes. Interviews are not as high profile as Blog Adda.
Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I liked review by 'The Fool'

I think he is spot on. I am a member of Indiblogger and BlogAdda. I love Indiblogger. They are the only one who has been able to build a community.

But I think Indiblogger can do certain things to make it better. I have some thoughts. But I will make a separate thread out of it.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I am a member of all the three communities in question.

Blogjunta, I find it too disorderly and poorly organized though it does have some good features to give recognition to bloggers - like best posts of a month and best bloggers, etc .

About blogadda, I like their birthday concept and notable newbie feature, they have in the sidebar. But never log in there.

IndiBlogger definitely scores in the level of interaction and the liveliness it shows. It may not be having any of the above features, but i feel this negative aspect is very well compensated by the fact that the platform is highly interactive and lively. The recognition here is given not thru any awards or tags but by co bloggers themselves in the form of appreciations, motivations, encouraging words and support. At least, that has been my personal experience of IndiBlogger community and that is the thing that endears me to it.

Shubham Choudhary
Shubham Choudhary
from Pune
12 years ago

i am new here and have just joined both the websites mentioned above.. since i have seen the response at all the three recently i have no doubt that indiblogger beats both big time.. everything has its uniqueness and charms so does those websited but what u get here is knowledge from the experience of some legendary bloggers in a very personalized manner, works for me :)

Richa Sonpatki
Richa Sonpatki
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I am so glad this forum is on!  I joined Blogadda after I joined Indiblogger and I kept trying to figure out how to see any blog post of mine anywhere!  They took a long while to have me registered and it doesn't look like it mattered anyway.  Most of my readers, and great blogs I have come across are from indi only still and I so love seeing the votes when they come in. Totally makes my day!  The only thing abt Blogadda I liked was, like everyone mentioned, the books I received from them!, but ofcourse there is no guarantee that I will do so again.  I heard of blogjunta for the first time.  Will check that out too.  

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