Does anyone have some tips for me

Prabhu Pant
Prabhu Pant
from Lucknow
11 years ago

It has been almost 7 or 8 months, still my blogs aren't that much popular on IndiBlogger. I only get an average 10 promotes per post. So can anyone help me on how to increase the number of promotions per post and increase the number of page-hits?

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Don't lose hope...I am sailing in the same boat...Frown as the saying goes, "misery loves company," I am giving you the company Wink

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

By the way, I think IndiBlogger misses out on categoring the blogs.. Here there should be category like indivine for listing blogs also as blogs are listed on city based and keyword based format rather there should be category also..

A new poet is comparing his / her views with a technological blog.. Not fare, not fare at all...

Go to other blogs, comment on them, some will come back to your blog too, this way increase friendly base.

My blog doesn't have even one single interested person from IndiBlogger by the way Tongue out

How many blogs of indie have you commented on, hunky. One expects all people in the world to appreciate their art  work but never try application of other blogs. 

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

When did I say I expected anyone comment on my blog just because I am on IndiBlogger ?? Rather when did I even expected anyone of read my blog just because I am listed with IndiBlogger ??

I expect people read my blog oply if subject of post they find useful or they like..

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hunky, I absolutely agree with you...i hate the concept of endorsing other's work whether you like it or not just in the hopes of that person endorsing your work...I find the whole thing childish

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Yes I agree but I do try to visit and read blogs and sincerely appreciate if I like something...even if it is out of my niche. It is not only encouraging for the blogger but it gives me an opportunity to read on topics that I normally would not read..... stretches my boundaries  

Hunky @
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Reminds me a movie scene where friends will joke to another guy and praise him saying he is invisible Tongue out and then strip hiom off and send to a girl for propose.. lol.. Here also the same, just to get like back or comment back, why should some one praise a content which he or she never liked !!!

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

HunkySmile Sounds like a very weird movie. And I am saying I comment only what I like, just that i put in extra efforts to read out of my category, and make sure to appreciate what I like.....Similarly I welcome feedback of people who are not parents or with kids on my blog. Indiblogger for me is a platform to interact and learn from all categories of bloggers..

from Pune
11 years ago

Prabhu, in blogworld, you network is your networth. Go to others' blogs, give sinciere comments, build bonds... they will come back. Its never too late to start.


However, I will always caution against random promotes at Indivine and "great post" "great photograph" kindda comments on others blog - this is just not ethical. Appreciate only what you feel is good. 

from Pune
11 years ago

And this goes for all who say they are not getting enough readers. SEO is just a small part of it all. 

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