Dumb question - how to 'show' your posts on your Indiblogger page?

from Sunnyvale
15 years ago

Dear readers,

All my posts are on my blog tandoorilounge.com. I want to have my posts show up on my Indiblogger page but I could not figure out how. Please help.

Any tips much appreciated,


Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

hey Choto, that might be because of your settings to show your comments as well... thought i am not too sure (in ofz, cant open blogs!) that it is the case. turn off comments on your feeds and your feeds should show instead of comments. btw, you dont need to show comments on feeds... if some one wants to comment / read comments after reading your feeds, he should land on your weblog, else you loosing visits.

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Hmm.. my feeds URL is http://www.chotocheeta.com/feed/ , I am just used a freash reader settings, and I dont see comment, its just posts as it should be !!!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Your blog shows two options... since indiBlogger reads your feeds automatically, it has choosen your comments feed. i think Renie can either change this manually, or you remove your comment feed...


Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

How i found out? Open your blog in Firefox. You will see the feed icon on the address bar. click on it, and you will find that it has given you two options...

from Sunnyvale
15 years ago

Thanks Renie and Anwin, I changed the URL and the posts are flowing now. So my next question is, if I have my own domain like xyz.com, will the posts not show? Does it have to be xxxx.wordpress or xxxx.blogspot?

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

It will not be a problem. When you use free domain services, they make sure that your page does open inside an Iframe.

When you pay for your own domain, it is not a problem.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Yep, Hemal's right! Smile

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey Ashwini, actually the feature is available as you may have noticed on other blogger profiles. I just had a look at your blog and noticed that it's inside a frameset - which is we're unable to autodetect your feed url. If you go to your  IndiBlogger account and change your URL to "http://tandoorilounge.wordpress.com/" then it should start showing the latest posts.

And like Anwin said - no question you ask can be dumb! Smile

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

For some reason in my case it shows comments rather than my posts !!!! Cry

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