Sledging on and off field by Ozzies ? Debate

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Even before the Indian tour begins down under Aussies cricket fans have started sledging on my video post in you tube.  I really wonder whether we should encourage Aussies in IPL if they are targetting Indians in general by using unparliamentary language.  Do share your opinion guys

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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Sorcy we used to play cricket with Anglo Indian crowd in Bangalore, some of them were druggies, they used to charge themselves up with narcotics and hurl the ball literally with venom spewing expletives such as mother fu..... etc.  I used to enjoy smashing their deliveries over the boundary line.  Let the bat do the talking, but their language never got into our lingo literally.  We used to play it in the spirit of competitive cricket.  Nowerdays it is spilling, i mean sledging over to the fans which is dangerous.  This is resulting in racial hatred against Indians in general.  Aussie govt is promoting tourism in India forgetting the ground realty. Smile

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