Is Their Any Traffic Drop From Since Mid October!!!

Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
12 years ago

I have lost a almost 50% of my traffic following after 14th Oct and I am still wondering why that happened. I blog on the wordpress platform and had recently updated the wordpress version, but I don't think it affected as all the permalinks were intact. Their was a plugin update which added a 'noindex' tag in all the pages which deindexed ost of the pages from search engines, but still I removed that tag in Nov. Now the pages are indexed but still, the traffic remains a slump. However, the PR has jumped from 2 to 4 and that really confuses me that am I growing or should I step back. Everything was going so well before 14th Oct, but now it's no traffic and no earnings then.

Anyone else facing the same situations?

Replies 1 to 10 of 10 Ascending
Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
12 years ago

Sorcerer, there is actually an option in this plugin to add a meta noindex tag in every page and it's by default marked as "Ok". Normally people don't go thru the whole setup of plugin and that's what does the dumping of your site. The code gets injected to every page and the pages start deindexing. Now reversing of process doesn't happens in midnight and one has to do the hardwork again.

My site never got down in so many Panda updates and even it has risen to more in all including the major Panda update of Feb'11. This just minor update in Oct has ruined things. I was getting over 500 visits a day and was gettin a decent income thru adsense but now half of the visitors and negligible income. I am still wandering as how much time it's gonna take to recover.

Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
12 years ago

yeah, that's 'Keyword Statsitics"

Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
12 years ago

Guys, Google spares us always without answers and everyone is left with question marks as why it happened. I am also trying to back up the things but it's heartbreaking when nothing works. I am trying from 2 months for the roll back and even I post quality content not at all borrowed from anywhere. I blame that plugin too that injected a noindex code to all my pages and that has also dropped certain rankings of my booming pages. May be I'll be stepping away from blogging if nothing works out till mid Feb.

If anyone has any suggestion for backups, then please suggest it here. I would be very thankful!

from Allahabad
12 years ago

Mine is dropping like anything.. 1200+ a day to recently (Horror) 400+... this happened in last one month... (Though I have not been able to post anything for last 2 months or so).. but this traffic drop is heartbreaking...

from Mumbai
12 years ago
That is a big drop indeed.
Nikhil Poddar
Nikhil Poddar
from Kolkata
12 years ago

Mine has dipped considerably rom the last 3 days. From 113 staright to 34... dont know whats happening.. This is infact an alltime low.

from Kolkata
12 years ago
from hyderabad
12 years ago

Even mine has dropped considerably. The reason for the dip in my blog's traffic, is think, is the shifting to a custom domain. The situation is slightly improving now. Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Mine has increased. Dont know the exact figures though.
from Kolkata
12 years ago


the panda link -


Google Panda is a change to the Google's search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011 . The change aimed to lower the rank of "low-quality sites", and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. CNET reported a surge in the rankings of news websites and social Networking sites, and a drop in rankings for sites containing large amounts of advertising

Many new ranking factors have been introduced to the Google algorithm as a result, while older ranking factors like PageRank have been downgraded in importance.



from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thanks Sauvik for that link.

Dunno really. There was a Google Panda update at that time wasn't it? Maybe that is the cause.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Whats Google Panda?
from hyderabad
12 years ago

Google Panda update was an update to Google's search engine algorithm but it was done lots of months back and not in October.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
from Kolkata
12 years ago

i am facing a completely opposite situations, my traffic has increased almost 70% since late october.. no clue how its happening.. I noticed the google analytcs data and it shows a marked increase of traffic from etc etc.... Traffic from these territories have risen like anything from almost rock bottom... however my pr is still remains the same... no clue of whats goiing on ...

from hyderabad
12 years ago

You need to ignore the traffic coming from .ru website. It is fake referral traffic. Visit one of those sites and you can't find any link back to your blog frm those pages.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Read this to underastnd what fake referral traffic is and how it can be done

I recommend that you set up a filter to exclude that unwanted traffic from your stats so that you get a true pictuire of your traffic. 

Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
12 years ago

You are gorwing with ur quality content buddy. Keep working like that. I am suffering from a stupid plugin install I guess even after posting great contents.

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