Sandra Eliswa Naduvilaparambil would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

I would LOVE some feedbacks on my blog.


I am a 2nd year B.A student in English literature , who is irrevocably and unconditionally in love with books. Until two years ago, I was a person who believed that a blog is something connected to the celebrities. Moreover I had not even realized my love for writing. When I was a kid, I wanted to become a “journalist” thinking its cool, but now when I think back, I guess it was ultimately because I loved to write (though let me tell you,  I’m not really sure if  I can write stories :/ )

So  last year, after visiting my friend’s blog, I thought of starting this blog to see how far I would go; to see whether it is yet another one of those hobbies that I start enthusiastically and then drop them off. It looks like this “hobby” of mine is here to stay, alright.

In this blog, you will see three main Categories:

  1. Journal Entry
  2. Music
  3. Poetry

Out of these, Journal Entry is sub-divided into tthree:

  1. Thoughts – You know, random thoughts on life, politics (whatever meager view  I have, that is )
  2. Memories – Anything that happened in my school/college life.
  3. Book Reviews

Music is basically about songs and/or lyrics.

Poetry My poems.

Hope I have not bored you to death…


Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Wow. You have a very long name.. I guess that's part of being a Malayalee? Wink Maybe so. I'm going away from the review request.. oops. sorry! 


  1. Name your blog. When you create a WP blog, they'll give you username's blog as the initial blog title. Change it to something that readers will remember.  Sandra2891Svizzera is very long and sort of confusing Innocent
  2. Template: I think when I came by 2 or 3 days back, I saw an orange-ish template. That was very attractive. This one, white bg, isn't as much.
  3. Good pages.. nice details. Same for your content, the sarcastic yet direct tone of the most recent Indian Woman post is something I liked. I also liked the ending verse to your "Spare Me" poem. Something I can relate to.
  4. Add the RSS Link widget, and the Follow by Email widget to the top of the sidebar in your blog. Any reader, if they wish to get ur updates, can do so then! 


Cheers & happy blogging! Cool I was just kidding with the name part earlier. Hope you weren't offended! UndecidedFrown

HE HE yup my Long name is totally a part of me being a Malayalee(but am proud of it.)Cool

I shall look into the suggestions you have made.

THANK YOU givin me a review.

"SHUBHA DINAM" to you Laughing

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Ee padirathril enthonu shubha dinam? Innocent

he he chumma irikatte!!!! oru formalitic-u vendi ezhuthipidipichatha!!!! Laughing