Shivani Magan would like you to review his/her blog.
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Looking for feedback on my new blog

Shivani Magan
Shivani Magan
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hi All ,

            I am new to the blog world. I have a nascent fashion blog where I create several looks of the latest fashion trends in the market , tell my readers where to get the apparel from , give them tips to wear the trends fashionably and update the blog with my own personalized collection . I love blogging as I get a platform to showcase my aesthetic and creative skills to a wider audience. 

As I am new to blogging , I would like constructive feedback from fellow bloggers on my blog to make better. Looking forward to some responds .

Thanks & Regards,

Shivani Magan

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Himanshu Nagpal
Himanshu Nagpal
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hi Shivani,

I always loved the dynamic views and the blog looks lovely with great content. 


Himanshu Nagpal

Shivani Magan
Shivani Magan
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks a lot Himanshu for the encouragement . Do check out my latest post !.

from Hyderabad
11 years ago

Hi shivani.

I liked your blog theme. I am also personally interested in it. 

I like the content. My suggestions for your blog will be to work a bit on the photographs. They are good but but if you can group them together, crop them a bit or slightly reduce the size and place them side by side would make it even more good.  Because they are getting all attention and text is so little. 

Also increase the text content because people will love to read the text to get your opinion on the topic and then check the photos.

Looking forward for more interesting posts from you.

If you have time, please review my blog.

Shivani Magan
Shivani Magan
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hi Janika ,

Thankyou for your reply. I will definitely take your suggestion of reducing the pictures or grouping them together and increasing content. I actually just changed my template from dynamic to basic as someone told me basic is better for a fashion blog. I personally liked the dynamic template though. Do read my new post .

I will review your blog also soon, till then lets just keep blogging !

Best wishes



Himani Agarwal
Himani Agarwal
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Nice blog...I am very much interested to know about such kind of latest fashion trends..Nice explanation with all the pics and detailing...Smile

Pl find time to visit my blog....just a newbie like u..

Till then keep blogging!!!
