Information on blog updates....

Hello All

I am new to Indiblogger. I have a question. How do other bloggers know that my blog has been updated? 

The other part of this question is 'How do non-bloggers come to know of my blog?'



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Thanks a lot guys. I did not see these responses. This is very helpful.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hello Ramaswamy,

One way to let other bloggers know that your blog has been updated, is as suggested by Leo. The other is to put up your posts in IndiVine as soon as you publish it on your blog. This way many bloggers can see your latest post under the various tabs related to IndiVine and can follow your blog from there.

Regd. non-bloggers coming to know of your blog, Email Subscription Gadget and Google helps.

Happy Blogging!

from Bengaluru
11 years ago

if you mean to ask how Indibloggers would know, then they can see in your profile, the recent feed would show the date of your posts. so they can know. if you meant how bloggers would come to know, then bloggers who visit your blog may use the followers widget to subscribe to your blog. then they would get an update to their google reader / dashboard of blogger when u update your blog.


non-bloggers coming to a blog and reading, replying wholeheartedly, following your blog... that's a rarity in my opinion. if that does happen, it'd possibly be through word of mouth, hearing it from a blogger who does read your blog; or if your blog comes up when the use a search engine to find something; or find it from places like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg.It etc. where you can share your blog post links etc.

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