Capital Punishment. Can you do it yourself?

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

It is a rule that if you want to receive a service from society, you must appreciate that it is a good service and you must be ready to do it yourself. Sometimes you may not be good at it. So you can let someone else do it.

For example, a doctor treates you. You want his service. So you must appreciate it is a good service. So you must be ready to be a doctor. But some of you do not have the skill to be a doctor. So you need not be a doctor.

Now comes the job of an executioner. If you think some criminals are to be hanged, you must be ready to do it by yourself. Here you can't say you don't have the skill to do it. It is very easy to hang a man. Can you do it? If you can't do it, don't advocate for it. Please do not say that you are a respected lady or a gentleman hence some hangman must do that job for you.

So whatever may the case. Let it be a murder of a rape. Do not advocate for death sentences if you can't do it by yourself.

Personally, I can't kill a man. So I say "Capital Punishment should be abolished".


Edited 11 years ago
Reason: modification of content.
Replies 21 to 40 of 47 Ascending
from Chennai
11 years ago

I have been telling from the time I heard about this gangrape news that the ones who gets involved in such activities should be killed in the most gruesome way possible, trust me I gave out options and thought OMG! I should probably meet a psychiatrist, I am psychotic or I should stop watching shows like criminal minds. So anyway, I can kill them not only by just hanging but I can slow torture them and kill them. Yes, maybe you can call me a psycho! but I can do it and I can do it with pleasure! Laughing

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Whether they should be tortured or killed in the most gruesome way possible is another topic of dicussion; which we can start. That will be an in depth discussion. This one is a simple one.

And you make your stand clear. Thank you.

from Chennai
11 years ago

My Stand is in my answer you just didn't see it.. I can do it! 

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

I'm sorry. I meant "You made your stand clear". I just said that in present tense. Thank you once again.

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Hangman does not "kill" anyone, he merely "executes". There is a difference between a killer and an executioner. And please lets not bring God into this and turn it into pseudo-philosophical BS.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Ok. then. I do not stick on to any words. I do not ask you then "Can you kill a man? Instead I ask "Can you pull a lever"?

P V Ariel
P V Ariel
from Secunderabad
11 years ago

And another point I want to add to my point is: No one on this earth can have or the liberty or right to end another person’s life, only the Creator God can do that act or have the power to do that. When you are asking or challenging others with such questions, you need to note this point.

Have a good day.

Best Regards

Philip Ariel

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

I didn't say Capital Punishment can be allowed if someone comes ready to do that. The point is no one who is ready to do it can't ask for it. I just wanted to know that.

P V Ariel
P V Ariel
from Secunderabad
11 years ago

I fully agree with you about the abolition of death sentence, no doubt it should be abolished but the question you put forward is simply an uncalled for one? What a question it is? If somebody come forward to do that act will the authorities and the law system will keep quiet? Will the authority give permission to do so? These are some of the few question the author should be answered!

Nice to be here.

Keep inform

P Verghese Ariel

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

The question was posed to know how many people who want to get men killed in jail can help themselves.

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Capital punishment IS pressing keys on a laptop, or more specifically- pulling a lever. Its not a killing, simply an execution.

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Who gives a shit where the ladies are. This pisses me off. Substandard blogs written by chicks get all the votes, while I cant even get a review. Sometimes I think about using a female ID.


Jayan, if a cow takes a dump in the middle of the road, you would want it to be cleaned. But you won't be ready to do it. Does that mean that piece of cow shit should lie there for all eternity? There are people ready to do the job. There are people ready to pull the lever. So why complain about the people who wont pull the lever? If they cant, fine, let the people who can do it do it.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

That's exactly my point Stagg Mann. But they who cannot do it, shout more than who are ready to do it.

Many ladies wrote blogs on Delhi case. All of them demand Death punishment for the accused. Many of them would have seen this thread. But none of them comment on this.


Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

No only women, but many men also. For them Capital Punishment is just the pressing of keys on their laptop.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

That makes it four.

But there were many who argued for Capital punishment in another forum. It is not likely that most of them have not seen this forum. And I do not see any ladies here. Is it a coincidence or something in particular?

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I think you may get better results if you this do on Facebook. All the ladies and others are out there.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

If it is so, then why not everyone who support Capital punishment, do not say they are ready to pull the lever. Up till now, only three of you have agreed to do it. Where are the rest????????

from Mumbai
11 years ago
All Indians are not registered here and all the bloggers who are registered with Indiblogger do not visit the forum or write in every forum thread. So 3 agreeing is not a small number. By the way I am ready to pull the lever and put on the mask to the culprits and whatever else is required to put them to rest and make the world a better place.
from Raleigh
11 years ago

So how will it help?  Are you recruiting for the post of a hangman or what?

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

If anyone, the judge who passed this sentence is responsible. And even there, he was acting strictly under the guidelines set down by the Indian legal system.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

As far as I see it, most people do want to see death on their name. It's not a good feeling to remember that you killed a man (howsoever you technically define it as decision of the state). That's the reason they can't say "I'm ready to pull the lever".

Now all of us can enjoy and celebrate the death of Ajmal Kasab. We can distribute sweets and enjoy. Because that death is on not our name. Somebody did it. But you and me didn't.



Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Ok. I get that. But the final act does has some imprtance.

In farming manuring and watering are two independent tasks. But in killing pulling lever is final task. Its like doing a seminar. Making  the PPT is one thing. Presenting it another. Its the final one.



Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

The same person doesn't put the noose around the neck as well as pull the lever- 2 different people do it, which is why neither person can be said to have "killed" the prisoner. Think of it this way- manure (guy who puts the noose) and water (guy who pulls the lever)- 2 different things- contribute to the growth of a crop (hanging of a prisoner). But the crop's growth is because of a coordinated system by a farmer (government) that has the irrigation and manure working in tandem. So neither the manure nor the water is solely responsible for the growth of the crop, but the system is. Hope you get itCool

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

If you pay me for it, yes. I'm just pulling the lever- someone else tied up the man and put a noose around his neck.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Its he who pulls the lever kills the man. You are ok with it. You make your stand clear.

By the way, can't you put a noose around his neck? Is that a tough job?

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

How is it a tough job after the judgement is made by the court of law? The man who pulls a lever is nothing more than a trigger- a trigger being pressed based on the decision made by the court of law.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

I'm sorry but you are not answering to the question "Can you pull the lever to the trapdoor"?

Easwar Arumugam
Easwar Arumugam
from Chennai
11 years ago

Yea, Stagg Mann is right.

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

There's a difference between killing and execution. A person kills, a state/body executes. An executioner is not killing anyone, he is just pulling the lever to the trapdoor.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Don't you think so?

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago


Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

The whole point and purpose of me starting this thread is this.

"There are a lot of people shouting for "Capital punishment". Most of them are hypocrites. Because they are not ready to see the filth and be part of that. They only want to sit at their home, open laptop, log into IB or FB, advocate for Capital punishment.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I have answered - "I can" as long as I am convinced these are genuine culprits and not some random buggers police has picked off the streets to close the case and it is easy stuff like a switch or a syringe. If you then start asking me whether Rahul Gandhi will do it or Akilesh Yadav will do it, I can't answer for them all.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

It's good TF you made your stand clear. You can advocate for "Capital Punishment".

But what about others who argue for it? (I said most of them are hypocrites).

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

By the way, I hope you are a vegetarian, Mr. Jayan Menon. Or if you are you a non vegetarian, have at least butchered one animal or bird. If not all your arguments fall flat on your face.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

According to the logic I stated, I can be a non vegetarian if I can kill a chicken. I can go for fishing. I do not want to live my life as butcherer. I need to kill chicken only once.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Plants have life too. So "technically" you're butchering them in some sense but unlike animals or bird's reactions we'll never know or comprehend what plants feel!

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

The topic of discussion here is not "Do we need capital punishment or not". Here I only want to know how many of you are ready to kill the delhi rape accused?

Yatin Khurana
from delhi
11 years ago

Law of the jungle !!! kill others to feed ourselves !!:-| 

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

By the way, at first seeing the topic I thought you were selling do it yourself kits for so many people asking for capital punishments on Facebook.

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