Capital Punishment. Can you do it yourself?

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

It is a rule that if you want to receive a service from society, you must appreciate that it is a good service and you must be ready to do it yourself. Sometimes you may not be good at it. So you can let someone else do it.

For example, a doctor treates you. You want his service. So you must appreciate it is a good service. So you must be ready to be a doctor. But some of you do not have the skill to be a doctor. So you need not be a doctor.

Now comes the job of an executioner. If you think some criminals are to be hanged, you must be ready to do it by yourself. Here you can't say you don't have the skill to do it. It is very easy to hang a man. Can you do it? If you can't do it, don't advocate for it. Please do not say that you are a respected lady or a gentleman hence some hangman must do that job for you.

So whatever may the case. Let it be a murder of a rape. Do not advocate for death sentences if you can't do it by yourself.

Personally, I can't kill a man. So I say "Capital Punishment should be abolished".


Edited 11 years ago
Reason: modification of content.
Replies 41 to 47 of 47 Ascending
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Let me make it clear then.

The topic is "Capital Punishment". Not killing.

Killing will be needed some times. Like when a foreign county attacks us. Every citizen of our country must do that job as a duty.

But killing a man (let him be the soldier of the other army) in jail is different.

If you want one more example,

"Why no one dream to be a hangman while many dream to be an army man"?

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

But frankly so many people are dying of hunger and weather conditions in this poor country. Why waste food and shelter on these criminals? I am fine with maybe some form of painless death instead of hanging. 

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

If Mr. Jaykumar wants, he can keep Kasabs in his home and feed them chicken Biriyani. I don't want my tax money to be spent on this.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

But the question "Can you do it yourself" stays? Whatever painless way that may be. Can you be an executioner?

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

I do not want to keep Kasab in my home. For that we built jails. But I (citizen of the state) must feed him (not chicken biriyani) if I can't kill him. I agree. And I'm ready to feed him. Because there is no other way. Let him work in jail (again under humanitarian conditions) to earn his food.

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

If a judgement is passed in a court of law, pretty sure a lot more people would like to do that, especially comparing the numbers before legal judgement.Then again, it won't be allowed. That's not how it works. There's a system- a painfully slow one which moves only when shown on tv, but it exists. This isn't the system of vengeance or "equivalent exchange". Its the law. Fear needs to be put on people in general (provided the fear directs people in the right direction) for the mass to be civil. Its only when that is done, humans understand their potential- the potential to grow at their peak under those limitations. Limitations are altered and changed or even removed depending on the people.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Soliders doing killing for saving their mother land is diiferent. I support it. But putting a man in jail and killing him while his arms tied behind is different.

Again I state the previous example.

"If any country attacks another country, the president of the latter one may take arms and fight. But he won't hang a man in jail. Its not considered as a distinguished job".

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

How can it be different when you gave an example of a doctor on a thread that talks about those who want capital punishment for henious crimes? This post contradicts the funda of your first post. Judgement is made by evidence and intensity of the crime. Despite being painfully slow, it works when the iron is hot. Judgement is guided by opinions framed with years of practice of law and experience with cases. Your logic is flawed.

from Pune
11 years ago

ok. By that logic, I can kill a man, so I should be supporting Capital Punishment. Extending it, 11 lakh armymen and some 10-15 lakh policemen can kill.. we are not even counting bandits, criminals etc who can kill. That should be a sufficient number to justify its existance 

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

But do you think Pranab Kumar Mukherji (out president) will do it? But he may clean streets to inagurate any National Service plan.

Can you imagine Sonia Gandhi hanging a man?

If they do not do it considering it to be a filthy job not fit for the post of the President or the head of Ruling political party should you do it?

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

I myself thought about this example of sweeper when I posted this thread. Now I'm glad that you ask about it.

The question not whether you want to be a sweeper in your life. The question is can you do it once?

Many of you would have worked with National Service Scheme in college and would have swept streets. That's enough.

But can you kill a man once?

Now there are six accused in Delhi case. Can you kill one of them? Let the executioner kill the rest.


TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Never tried it. But I guess I should be able to do it. Not like I need to break their necks with bare hands or anything I guess. That I can't obviously.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Actually I think many of the outraged public would only be too glad of an opportunity for a public lynching.

Anger might not be the most positive of emotions though. In my younger days I used to watch movies where hero's sister is raped and imbibe the anger and then enjoy the villain being killed bit by bit in the end. Later I started avoiding such movies to avoid the negative emotions of exhiliration in revenge.

Also in a large and messy country like India, it is difficult for effective reformation programs to work. So better to kill off proven criminals. My only concern is in this corrupt country, the law will be used more to victimize innocent citizens who those in power do not like.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

You only need to put a cloth over their head. Tie their hands at back. Put the noose around their neck. Pull a lever. Can you do it?

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Guess I should be able to do it. I think I said something on these lines of how sometimes cruel acts need to be done for greater kindness to humanity during my XLRI interview and the scandalized christian Fathers who were part of the panel immedeately threw me out.  

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
11 years ago

Congratulations TF for clearing XAT.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Thanks Jayan. But that many years back.

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

By OP's logic- I am too egotistic or arrogant to be a sweeper. Therefore nobody should be sweeping the streets. Pollution FTW!!!

The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Ha! Spot on!!!

from Mahanad
11 years ago

She is no more :(

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