Report your Feed Detection Problems For APRIL Indirank 2014

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Please report if you have lost your Indirank due to non detection of your feed in this thread. I am tagging the Inditeam to look into the problem from this thread. Any other threads now created on the same topic will be deleted.


Edited 10 years ago
Reason: Month Update
Replies 21 to 40 of 297 Ascending
Poonam Parihar
Poonam Parihar
from New York City
10 years ago

@ranjith - hey, its not usual blogger or wp platform its an smugmug gallery.. so i cant touch the code there.. see if you could do anything from your end, else i think i am fine if it cant be fixed. thank you.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I saw that it wasn't blogger or wp but thought that you might be having access to the code...

By the way, I am not the admin of this site, so I can't do anything. Wink I don't think IB will be manually adding the feed url to their db. But you can try asking them hereLaughing

Poonam Parihar
Poonam Parihar
from New York City
10 years ago

Hey Admin, there was some issue with the feed for one of my blog, so indirank was not generated. just updated it to feedburner and now its working fine- could you please update it in your DB. here is the URL

Blog url is -

Thank you.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Your feed should be auto discoverable.

You need to add the following line of code in the head section of your blog

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Photos Poonam Parihar" href="" />

Dropped from 85 to 60 due to feed detection issues... Reporting here so that someone can look into it and let me know what to do to rectify it...

Anant Prakash
Anant Prakash
from Kanpur
10 years ago

Hi Team Indiblogger, 


I have lost my indirank due to this feed detection thing for the second time. Please do the needful asap. my feed is mentioned below:

Arpita Tiwary
Arpita Tiwary
from Kolkata
10 years ago

Please help me too! My rank not detected too :/ Please help :))

Udit Bhatia
Udit Bhatia
from Bangalore
10 years ago

please help!

indirank not available for since last 8 months

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You have an IndiRank of 31


Seeta Bodke
Seeta Bodke
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Same here. Aditya, raise a support ticket as well for the team to look into it.

Aditya Jha
Aditya Jha
from New Delhi, India
10 years ago

My blog rank hasn't been detected, please see to it IB team. :)

Nikhil Chandra
Nikhil Chandra
from Delhi
10 years ago

What happened to my MOZrank detection problem? It is neither fixed nor any of the moderator has anything to say on the issue. Why's that? Frown

Ragini Puri
Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
10 years ago

Admins, the Indiranks of my 3 blogs have gone down. The details say I dont have a mozrank because the blogs are brand new, which is not really the case. Can somebody please check into this.

Nikhil Chandra
Nikhil Chandra
from Delhi
10 years ago

And I just checked that I have 92 links from th open site explorer :-)

Nikhil Chandra
Nikhil Chandra
from Delhi
10 years ago

In the Indirank stats, my Mozrank is mentioned zero and same is the case with external link juice passing. But my mozrank is actually 5.82. And I strongly believe that external link juice passing should have decent rank. In the last update my rank became zero and later revised to 84. With increase in posting, readership and Mozrank I was expecting higher Indirank this time but alas its not the case.


I request the concerned person to look into this matter.

Nalini Malaviya
Nalini Malaviya
from Bangalore
10 years ago
It says 'You don't have a mozRank as yet.' whereas opensite does show a backlink, same as last month! Also, can someone tell me, why all my backlicks including 1 from wikipedia does not show up here? Thanks.
from hyderabad
10 years ago

Backlinks information is taken from LinkScape -

If LinkScape did not crawl those backlinks, they won't be counted on your stats page.

The internet is too big for LinkScape to crawl completely! Innocent

Nalini Malaviya
from Bangalore
10 years ago
Thx Ranjith, but there is a discrepancy from last month & I was wondering if that could be fixed? Also, pl suggest how to ensure that wiki links are shown, after all that should count, rt?
from hyderabad
10 years ago

there is a discrepancy from last month & I was wondering if that could be fixed? 

If the stats shown on your IndiStats page do not match with the ones from Explorer/ moz - mozRank, you can contact IndiTeam here -

However, if the mozRank / Link Explorer itself is showing something wrong, you can't do anything about it.

Also, pl suggest how to ensure that wiki links are shown, after all that should count, rt?

There is nothing one can do about it! Undecided

Nalini Malaviya
from Bangalore
10 years ago
Rt, will contact IB & ahhh...such a pity abt wiki link!
from hyderabad
10 years ago




Nalini Malaviya
from Bangalore
10 years ago
Thx for your help, Ranjith & prompt resolution by IB team!
Venkat Ramakrishnan
Venkat Ramakrishnan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Is this problem fixed? I still see problem detecting my feed...

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Check if there is a 'Fix my Rank' button on your stats page. If yes, click it. If no, contact here : Contact us / get support

Kundan Bhardwaj
Kundan Bhardwaj
from Jaipur
10 years ago

I am not getting the fix my rank button rather it is giving me there was a problem detected with your feed. Is there anything that the indiblogger moderators can do manually instead of waiting for the next update.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Contact here.

Aditya Bhargav
Aditya Bhargav
from Jamshedpur
10 years ago

Renie man, Help me out even. No feed detection/rank here too.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Add the following line to your home page just after <head> 

<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS 2.0' href='' />
Aditya Bhargav
from Jamshedpur
10 years ago

thanks Ranjith, I 've done what you asked me to. Can now things be solved?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

On your IndiStats page, if you have a button named 'Fix my Rank', click it and you will get a rank. If there is no such button, you will have to wait for the next update. 

Shubham Gupta
Shubham Gupta
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

@Ranjith Good find, well that was to keep a post sticky on blogger. Let me check the alternatives and thanks for all the help !

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You can try this to keep a post sticky : Add that post as a HTML gadget ( title, post snippet, read rest of entry link and social buttons ) Use blogger conditional tag to show that post only on your home page. 

( This will show an extra post on your home page and also that sticky post will appear again in the normal archive ) 

Shubham Gupta
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Yep, that is fine, but a post should be a post and not a gadget which should have a direct link :) I can achieve it programtically, by creating a tag sticky and render those posts inititally , will try that :)

Shubham Gupta
Shubham Gupta
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

And the IndiRank is lost again for, I checked my feeds and they have proper date. I suppose last time Renie fixed the same by manually punching in the rank, can we have a fix so that it doesn't happen after every rank update ?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Shubham Did you try the Fix My Rank button ( on your IndiRank stats page ) ?

Shubham Gupta
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

@Renjith I checked that earlier also, the button is not there ! :|

from hyderabad
10 years ago

It should be there Shubham. See the image I posted above below your's and Renie's reply. 

If you can't find it, then it means that someone has stolen the button. Foot in mouth

Shubham Gupta
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

He He, I shared my screenshot also ! I suppose the difference in your and my screenshot is that, for you the feed itself was not detected, for me system is having issues with the dates on the feeds.Hope I get that button back :P 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Shubham I think the button is visible only for those whose feed isn't detected. Your feed is detected and is being shown on that stats page.

The most probable reason for your IndiRank problem is the date of your latest post -  15 September 2013 | 7:52 pm - A future date. 

Shameem Rizwana
Shameem Rizwana
from Chennai
10 years ago

my primary blog is not ranked !

the blogspot blog which is inactive is only getting ranked. help !! 

from piacenza,Italy
10 years ago

my feed was not detected  too. please help 

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