Can Anyone help me with my RSS Feed (Not Detected)

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Guys as you can see my RSS Feed is not detecting on Indiblogger does anyone know why?If anyone had experienced this problem and has fixed it then Help will be appreciated ! Smile

Replies 1 to 15 of 15 Ascending
Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Actually Alexa rank is just for attracting advertisers.The main thing I'am focusing on is writing quality content by using appropriate key word using google adwords tool and then creating backlinks on comment luv enabled blogs and submitting my blog to big and good blog directories then ultimately I will get traffic too.I also take tips from big and sucessful bloggers too like Harsh Agarwal etc..

What do you guys think is it Right or Wrong ? Tell me your Opnions by that time I'am relaxing by wearing specs on beach lol ---> Cool

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Aditya then what do you think about my rank in 1month i got rank :-

Alexa Global Traffic Rank: 1,234,851 India Flag Traffic Rank in IN: 63,854

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
10 years ago
I've started my tech news blog on 24th started the journey with 1 crore+, but within 10th June it decreased to under 9lakhs...after that on 13th June I bought a custom domain (sadly my rank vanished)..the rank didnt show up for 2 days..then it started the journey from the same 1 crore+ or more (on 15th June), and now within 5 days it reduced to 20lakhs..just see how biased it is
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Sanket I came from 54Lacs to 3lacs in 1 month.  As Ranjith said it doent have a bearing on how good ur site is.  It should be used just as a indicator.  Below 1lac is when alexa really give some good graphics.  I dont think anyone can manipulate Mozrank (as of yet) that is why I think Indiblogger has shifted to Mozrank

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjith I just want a good pagerank and Traffic and Alexa Rank makes sense for ranks below 1,00,000 not 1000 or 10,000 in order to get rank under 1,00,000 you will need around 1,000 (visitors) hits per day.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Ok. That 1000 or 10000 was some random number. I should have mentioned that. I just wanted to say that Alexa makes sense only for top x sites. ( x = some number ) Cool

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Sanket Don't worry about Alexa. It is not a very good metric to analyse performance. The Alexa ranks make sense only for sites which have ranks below 1000 or 10000....

I think you know whow Alexa gives those ranks...

Do this experiment if possible -

  • Take around 100 blogs and their visitors count for the past three months ( this information is difficult to obtain ) Sort them according to the viitors count.
  • Now, sort them according to Alexa rank.
  • You will probably see a huge difference in the two lists.
Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
10 years ago
@Ranjith-I think itz below 25k...alexa ranks are quite biased, but to obtain a rank below 25k needs some special works...
Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

1 crore +

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Alexa Global Traffic Rank: 1,234,851 India Flag Traffic Rank in IN: 63,854

You didnt checked it earlier !

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
10 years ago
And it was 10 crore+ a months back..m i ryt?
Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I will bring it under 1,00,000 in just 1 month Wink

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
10 years ago
What is it (alexa rank) now?
Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Vijay I dont have Moz rank my site is just 1 and a half month old can you tell me is my alexa cool it was 1,00,00,000 and see now :)

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Even I dont have a MOZ ran yet so dont worry, it will improve with time and posts.  Re alexa you are better at increasing it I guessSmile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You will get a rank between 70-85.

  • With regular posting - one to two posts per week and no alexa, 0 moz, you can get 70.
  • As your moz, alexa  increases, your rank also increases. The maximum rank will be something in 90-95 range which is too difficult. 
  • 83-84-85 is easy with even 20-30 pageviews per day and moz of 4.
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjith you know my alexa rank was above 1,00,00,000 and see now , my site is just 1 month and some days old and check my alexa rank.Is it good ?

And can you tell me how Indirank helps ?

Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

What do you mean by 0 moz ?

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

check ur mozrank here Sanket

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Shit Cry I wanted the rank yaar,by the way I gave them the ticket yesterday so if they will see my ticket then I will get the rank right according to you what rank will I get ? and In how much time will they see my ticket and reply to it.

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjith now what about Indirank ?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

If they read your support ticket, they will give you a rank now.

Otherwise, you will surely get an IndiRank in the next update - that line of code was the reason why you didn't get a rank this time.

Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjith now the feed is detected thanks I dont know that it was detected due to my ticket or due to that code.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

The feed was detected due to your code and not the ticket. Wink

Why do you want to remove that code? Every blog has that line of code included. It is used by applications to get updates about your website.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Sanket I've replied to you on the other thread.  Innocent

Anyway, copy pasting my answer :

@ Sanket You're feed really couldn't be detected.

Add the following folloiwng between the head tags.

After doing the above thing, send a mail here. You'll receive a rank. Smile


Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ranjith if I add that between <head></head> of my blog it will detect feed right ?

from hyderabad
10 years ago


Add that line immediately after <head> . Don't remove the lines between <head> and </head> which are already present.

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Visit here

Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Thanks I submitted them the ticket thanks vijay can you tell me in how much time they will fix the problem.

Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

No Idea frnd but they will resolve itSmile

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
10 years ago
It will be resolved soon if u've already raised a ticket..dont worry be happy
Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Raise a ticket with support Sanket, they will help you out

Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
10 years ago

How can I raise a Ticker Vijay ?

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