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Hey! I am looking for feedback on my relatively new blog - NomNomMum

Nameeta Sohoni
Nameeta Sohoni
from Mumbai
10 years ago

So cooking has always come to me naturally (its genetic, I am pretty sure of that!). And I for one was always sure that when I had a baby I’d go all out in developing my baby’s palate, keeping things as natural and wholesome as I could of course.

Therefore in my quest to give my baby nutritious and homemade food, I started experimenting, reading up and tried permutations and combinations that would suit my baby’s nascent taste buds and help him eat better with minimal fuss. I wanted the transition from solely breast milk to solid foods to be a pleasant one for both him and me.

NomNomMum is an account of my son's food journey, ranging from mashes and purees to finger foods and much more!