Suhas Gokhale would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my 'Astrology' blog

Suhas Gokhale
Suhas Gokhale
from Nashik
10 years ago

Hello friends,

I request you to have a look at my brand new blog on 'Astrology and More'.

I started this blog to share my experiences in Astrology with lots of Astrological insights and lots of humor! My blog will offer:

  • Informative articles.
  • Astrology resources, book reviews.
  • Interesting Case Studies, solved in a Step by Step manner.
  • A complete series of articles on “Learning Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP).
  • Quiz and puzzles to keep you busy and entertained.
  • Occasional Free consultations and Astrological advice on planetary transits.
  • Monthly predictions.
  • And some nice, clean humor in Astrology.

There will be fun, there will be learning, there will be sharing of knowledge. The whole aim is to provide something new and interesting to everyone , from Non believers of Astrology to some body mildly interested in Astrology, to those who are students of Astrology and finally to the practicing Astrologers too.

I am trying to make the desin simple, clutter free, down to earth style and in tune with the subject. I hope you will enjoy reading it, now I need your comments and suggestions in order to improve it further, so that the blog could serve its intended purpose in a much better way. Every single comment/suggestion is precious to me so please share yours frankly.

God bless you. Suhas Gokhale


Edited 10 years ago
Reason: typo