Osama Baloch would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.storyindigo.net ]

Review my news website.

Osama Baloch
Osama Baloch
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

StoryIndigo- Stories, News and Information about SocialMedia, Technology, Music and Health. StoryIndigo-Information to world from world. 

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Sagar Upadhyay
Sagar Upadhyay
from Gorakhpur
10 years ago

Hi Osama,

I went through your blog and i am sharing my 2 cents-


(1) Awesome looks. Beautifully made.

(2) Nice and interesting content.


Tips for improvement-

(1) I think you can improve your blog by rephrasing the news in more informal and interesting way. Give it a humorous touch. People will love it.

(2) You should share the source of your news item too. This increases credibility.


All the best :)


Please take time to review my blog too. http://itsmesagar.wordpress.com

Osama Baloch
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Hello Sagar.Thanks alot for reviewing my website.Though i would like to know more about repharasing my news.and if the thing comes to credibilty i write 0% plagiarized content so all the credits go to me. Thanks again i would like to work with you :) 

Sagar Upadhyay
Sagar Upadhyay
from Gorakhpur
10 years ago

Hi Osama,

I will give you an example regarding rephrasing the news which will make it even more interesting..

Title- A car that cleans itself!

Body- Gone are those days of spending countless hours on washing your darling car. Nissan has come up with a revolutionary new idea that may change your life forever. It has developed a trial paint which will clean itself. Sounds amazing..isn't it?

Nissan's scientists have developed a paint which is ‘Super Hydrophobic’ (Water repelling) and ‘oleophobic’( oil repelling) at the same time. It is applied on the new Nissan Note which is now to be called The worlds 1st self-Cleaning car.

Now you can say- "Daag Acchey Hain" ;)

Osama Baloch
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Haha you out standing man :))) I designed my website from scratch and really want to work with you. Please visit my website. www.storyindigo.net and reply me :))))