From Wordpress to my own domain

Mohammad Farooq
Mohammad Farooq
from Bangalore
9 years ago


I have an almsot 3 year blog at and now after having purcahsed the domain for months, I finally got hosting and created a whole new blog at 

Now, I'll redirect the links from my .wordpress to the new .com domain. The confusion now which I'm having is, 

1. Will I again have to apply for IB membership ?

2. Just adding another blog to my IB profile would be enough ?

3. To continue getting the same kind of traffic, what other steps I can take ? 



Your response would be really helpful. 

Thanks in advance!!

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Mohammad Farooq
Mohammad Farooq
from Bangalore
9 years ago

oh cool!! I went through other threads too. Will ask IB for it once I've put the redirection in place. 

Thanks Ranjith!!

from hyderabad
9 years ago


from hyderabad
9 years ago

You can contact here asking IB to update the URL in your IB profile.

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