Anoop Sankar would like you to review his/her blog.
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Anoop Sankar
Anoop Sankar
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hello guys,

Can you have a look at my blog?

Criticisms are most welcome!


Edited 15 years ago
Reason: changed topic to be more appropriate
Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Anoop, just went through your website. Liked the way you have named the categories! 'Jottings', 'Road not Taken' (reminds me of the famous book by that name!)

For some reason, the font size appears to be very big, making it hard to read the posts. You might want to change it to a smaller size. Also the corresponding pictures appear small. Maybe, you can change this. 

Also noticed that link to 'Gallery' section appears to be broken. 'Time spent in office' is a very accurate graph!!! 

Good blog content wise. Keep blogging!


kunal sachdeva
kunal sachdeva
from New Delhi
15 years ago
hiii Anoop.. Thanx 4 ur useful comments first of all i have categorized the tags... Btw i have just visited ur blog.... the post “Always look on the bright side of Life” was good... the content of your blog is nice.. keep blogging... regards kunal sachdeva
Anoop Sankar
Anoop Sankar
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Thank you guys. The comments are most welcome. I'll work on it.