Paritosh Kumar would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 36

Please review my Technology Blog

Paritosh Kumar
Paritosh Kumar
from Noida
14 years ago


I have created this blog in order to chronicle my quest for a semantic web. Please review the blog and comment about its accuracy and clarity of concept.



Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Hey dude! I think your blog's fine man... just a couple of thoughts:

Your "About Me" section is kind of irrelevant.. I don't mean to say that you are irrelevant Laughing but that it's not suited to a technology blog. As a reader, I would look to that section to know more about what kind of posts I can expect from you - are you a designer? programmer? all things on the web? I know your category listing tells me something, but I still don't know why you blog about that stuff.

Your history of Javascript post brought back some memories from the old days... some good ones, and some not-so-good ones. Nice post!

This idea of having emotions as a search parameter is an idea myself and a friend had on a very drunk night back in 2004... we went to sleep feeling very inspired and ready to take on Google. No idea what happened after that. Embarassed

Out of curiousity, why did you try web scraping? Any luck with it? I've been thinking of trying it out for some IndiBlogger-related features.

Paritosh Kumar
Paritosh Kumar
from Noida
14 years ago


I always felt that the about me section was a bit odd. But it is shared between here and my personal blog (Fiction and Life) and caters more to that. I have tried to change it to reflect the essense of both the blogs. Hope you find it somewhat relevant now. :)

I tried Web-Scraping for an idea we had a long time back about vertical searching. We were able to scrape for the relevant bits of data but then gave up at the widget phase. Mostly due to lazyness ;). Mail me about the ideas for indiblogger, amybe I can help you out.


I know the posting frequency is terrible and would definitely like to post more in future. :)

Please check out the About me section and tell me if you would like some more changes to be done.