Bhagyashree would like you to review his/her blog.
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Marathi blog waiting for your precious feedback.. :)

from Los Angeles
14 years ago

Few months ago, I had posted the same blog (hosted on blogger)  for review. Now I have shifted to self hosted blog. 

Kindly review my blog in all the perspectives like my writing skills(if you know marathi), blog templates and widgets that I have used etc. 

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
14 years ago


for some strange reason, I get put off by most marathi blogs, but yours was (is) an exception.

The travelogues are written very nicely, they have a pleasant 'flow' to them.

Just one thing, going to www. keeps prohibiting me from going ahead. Make sure you have your actual blog page accessible to readers. i am no techie, and I have no clue how you can do that.

You have a nice way of writing 'contemporary marathi'. Fultoo and all that. Nice, keep it up. Don't get caught with being appropriate.

Ajun khoop lihi. Ani kaay sangoo? Blog avadla evdhe matra nakki.



from Los Angeles
14 years ago

Hey Pushkaraj, Thanks a lot for your review! I am glad you liked it..

I have some other ideas on my mind for the domain and wanted my blog as a subdomain to it.. I will soon be starting something there for sure! :)


Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
14 years ago

Great. Look forward to reading more.


Pushkaraj Apte