Error with Blog Feed

Afshaan Khan
Afshaan Khan
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I got this message after the latest Indirank update -

"There was a problem detecting your feed. When you access your blog using Firefox, click on the rss feed icon in your address bar. Do you see a valid feed?"

My blog does not have the rss feed icon in the addres bar. I am not sure how to resolve this. However, when I clcked on the 'Subscrbe to Posts(Atom)' link at the bottom of my post, I found a feed address which I then ran through feedburner. I am not sure if I have done the correct thing.  Can anyone please guide me? Thanks!!



Edited 14 years ago
Reason: added my blog url
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Prateek Parag
Prateek Parag
from Patna
14 years ago

Hi Afshaan Khan,

I don't think that your blog is having any problem. Your RSS feed is

I think you have just confused by some stuff.


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Afshaan Khan
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks Prateek. But Indiblogger is giving me this error message. 

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