Witty Jester would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://wittyjester.com ] IndiRank: 36

hey this is my attempt at humor.hope it brings a smile

Witty Jester
Witty Jester
from Pune
14 years ago

subtle and observationl humor at its witty best with a hint of sarcasm

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
from Bangalore
14 years ago

I'm new to this critique business so, hear me out a little:

1. The look and feel: Sober, professional and artistic. I really liked the background images of the theme but, they just do not suit a humor blog. Try some lively colors. Moreover, the background image you have right now makes, the tagline of your blog hard to read.

2. The widgets: Perfectly selected. I would've liked them to the right. Why? Because, we read english from left to right and once a reader finishes with a post you don't want them to move their eyes all the way to the left to find the next interesting link...in those few seconds they might dorp their line of thought, lose interest and move to a different webpage.

3. The content: I enjoyed reading the blog. It was light weight and fun to read through. Especially the yahoo! answers post.

I hope you find the feedback useful.

If you like to, you can post your thoughts about my blog as well. Here is my post, where I requested feedback: http://www.indiblogger.in/forum/review.php?id=4318

Aman Arora
Aman Arora
from New Delhi
14 years ago

"Subtle and observational humor at its witty best with a hint of sarcasm....."


Not properly visible in it...

rest i agree with Hemanth's View template need to be changed...


all the best

n do review my vehicle (blog ) too :P



Jayanth Tadinada
Jayanth Tadinada
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Witty Jester,

    I really like your content! keep going... and from time to time, keep writing some stuff based on personal experiences and opinions... good luck :)


-- g2 (of gtoosphere fame)

Witty Jester
Witty Jester
from Pune
14 years ago

Really grateful to all the advice,lukin forward to blend thm in.Thnaks guys.

Sanjay Shettennavar
Sanjay Shettennavar
from Belgaum
13 years ago

Thank you very much for voting my blog. I read your blog. It is indeed witty and full of humour. Smile