Aman Arora would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Please Review My Vehicle aka Blog for the journey ahead in Blogosphere.. :)

Aman Arora
Aman Arora
from New Delhi
14 years ago

Hii friends

i am new to indiblogger as well as to Blogosphere.. So here i have started a Journey. So please chek out whether my vehicle has proper wheels..

thnks Laughing

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: addition in the subject
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Bhopal
14 years ago


I don't know if I am qualified enough to give a review. But I'll give you a layman's view of your blog.

First, your template is really good, I liked it the instance I saw it. It goes with your writing style.

Widgets are organized, but may I ask you to put two more, one for google based following, I wanted to follow but couldn't find a way, and two, put a subscription by email provided by feed burner, always a good addition.

Also try to look into the date footer in your template, I think it needs some correction.

Now, your writing, its nice. You write on subjects that people can't leave unread and then once read it leaves them no choice but to leave a comment in your appreciation.

So keep writing. Looking forward to more such writes from you.

Thank you.

Aman Arora
from New Delhi
14 years ago

hey thnks kundu.. for valuable suggestions n have added those two things which you recommended

and thnks alot...

from Bhopal
14 years ago


And you have an increase in the number of followers!
