Kumar Atulya would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://perenniallyconfused.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Does my sense of humor make any sense?

Kumar Atulya
Kumar Atulya
from Delhi
14 years ago

Hello World (this is how IT engineers greet people :D)

I am a final year engineering student who suffers from sub-normal writing ability, fondness for wildly implausible scenarios and severely under-developed sense of humour (someone please contradict me!).

Began blogging 4 months back and have ever since churned out unholy quantities of (what I like to call) humor. It would be great if you guys could go through the blog and let me know you views. Any comment would be appreciated :)

This is where I blog:


Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
14 years ago


You really under-rate yourself, mate. I almost fell of the chair laughing, reading 'Search my blog'. I admit that I did not have the heart to actually try out the suggested search strings.

Your choice of phrases as titles for the widgets is funny enoung. Like 'blog I want to marry' :-)

Your blog is teh best example of a blog that stands out due to its content and does not have to depend on frills like google adsense and numerous meaningless widgets that do nothing else but clutter the space.

Keep writing please, will follow your blog,


Pushkaraj Apte


Kumar Atulya
from Delhi
14 years ago

Thank you Pushkaraj. Your comment means a lot. To tell you the truth I did try out the search strings. I tried and tried but couldn't stumble upon the result that pointed towards my blog. I assume google is conspiring towards increasing my blog's viewership (and I love it :D)

Would look forward to your visits and try not to dissapoint you :)