A K Menon would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.joboptions.blogspot.com/ ]

Would love to hear your comments on how I can make it more interesting

A K Menon
A K Menon
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Am a recruiter and help people find their calling! In a global world, there are likely to many trends that cd help shape our careers.

Hv been essentially writing my thoughts and opinions. 

What are the changes I must make..to be more relevant 


Replies 1 to 1 of 1
vipin lal
vipin lal
from chennai
14 years ago

get some good relevant  images from google or something and put in between posts.Mere words will make the reader bored.Also change the way in which Archive section is displayed(on the left side)..you can make it more attractive..make is colourfull..
