About IndiBlogger meet in Bangalore on 28 Feb

Aarif Ali Saiyed
Aarif Ali Saiyed
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi All,         It was great to interact with you all. this my first time to any such event. I loved it. thumbs up to all organizers for their effort.

Hard to remember name of so many people, but Finance blogger's talk was really good ,I think everyone enjoyed that.   he should consider takig an our long session and teach people how to earn money ;).

Hope to catch you guys again soon.

-Arif Ali Saiyed

Replies 1 to 15 of 15 Ascending
Satya S. K.
Satya S. K.
from Bangalore
15 years ago

I was planning to visit but a rare visistor from oit of town dropped in as a last minute surprise... so.....

There is another meet on March 14th, not sure if it is a different sort though....

I saw only 1 lady in the photgraph, surely there are more lady indi bloggers than that...

from Bangalore
15 years ago

HI Satys I am sure there are many more female bloggers out there. Do come for the 14th meet. 

from Bangalore
15 years ago

Haha you have a way with Blogs Sherin. Love you :)


Let me address the two words you have used: Focussed and dedicated.

Focussed: You stick strongly to the topic and keep on adding value to it. What this mean sis that you keep on adding content that matches the topic there by being a single source of information on the topic. Till here I agree.

But in case of making money people go and check which words make the best of the money in terms of adsense and ensure that this particular word repeats maximum number of times and there by elicit the  costliest adsense ad to pop up. Induce the reader or cheat him to click on this ad. Some even go to the extreme end of concealing the ad in their post and then make money. I feel cheated when I know that the purpose of writing this post or having this blog though it is focussed is a clean way of making money out of me. In the long run I wouldn't visit such a blog! There may be occasional visitors but if I am looking for serious content I would not come to such a blog. On the other hand, if my content is good and focussed and the ads are minimal and the chances of having a high credibility is more. In this case the authenticity pulls the crowd. This depends on the quality of content too. Once in a while an aberration is good in the lighter vein.


About Dedicated: What is the meaning of dedication? Is this a quality or a passion or a scale? I think this is a scale. Some are dedicated and some are mo dedicated. Dedication towards adding to the pool of knowledge is good. And in the process if I manage to earn money it is good too. But if my primary motive is to make money and blogging is a way of doing it then I have a problem. There is no guarantee that this blogging would stop once the returns stop coming or meet my expectation! i would shift my focus once the greens stop coming in as my primary motivation was money. But if I continue to blog or do whatever was my hobby even after the money stops coming then I would call it dedication. Being a soldier is a dedication. Being a doctor is not. Being a doctor and working in rural areas is again dedication.

About the honor, Sherin deserves much more than that. You have found out how to use technology to work for you from home! I think this is a huge achievement and there is a lot of people who would like to know how you did it and learn from you. In this regard you are a leader.


Good luck.



from Bangalore
15 years ago

Dear All,

I have received some very personal comments from friends who attended the meet about my views. Thank you one and all for the same. 

Loved the part where the quality of my blog is discussed. I know the quality and thanks for the observation. I stated 'my perspective'. You all are free to state yours. We are living in a free country. 

Yes i am not interested in making money on my blog right now. May be in future I would be and I may look at it more than a hobby. may be I will make some money too. But as of now I am not interested.

By stating that money shouldn't be the primary objective I mean that it can be the secondary one after the love of writing. I believe this is the secret of staying alive online for a long period of time and keep your creative juices flowing. Money comes second, always. The objective and the passion would reflect on one's content and writing.

The motivation of having a blog is different for many. Some of them are more oriented for money, while some are not. I belog to the latter and I know that this tribe has a smaller membership. I don't know when I will migrate to the former group. If I do that would be a real change.

Here is my question to all the bloggers out there:Do you think money is important for a blogger? Is money the sole motivation? If yes tell me why? If no tell me why too. I would like to see how long will which of them would last longer. 

Thanks once again for the comments. Waiting for more. It is a pleasure.



from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi all,


Though it is quite a bit late.. here is my review.. do check and comment.


And good luck with the next meet. It was fun attending the last one. Good work guys.




Sherin Devassy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

My comment too.... Wink

Hashir Tufail
Hashir Tufail
from Unnao, Bangalore
15 years ago

Wish I waqs in bangalore!! waiting for the meet in Hyderabad

Sherin Devassy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Flying member !!! Undecided what a profile indiblogger got? Wink

Amit Kumar Choudhary
Amit Kumar Choudhary
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Where's the group photo? Can someone post it on Homepage of IndiBlogger...

Aarif Ali Saiyed
from Bangalore
15 years ago

dude yo ucan find link to pictures on Meeting page 

from Mumbai
15 years ago
anoop, im totally reddddy....:)
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Am Back online from today! A super awesome weekend my friends! Bangalore has always been an adventure .. and I will let you guys in on a little secret .. the next time we can have  some casual blogger meets and there will surely be beer.. sponsored ;) . Any takers?

from Bangalore
15 years ago

Not very much into alcohol... yet! Tongue out Wont mind going further.Wink

Sherin Devassy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

I am running out of alcohol..... Laughing Harsha will be my sponsor next time...

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

That was a great meet, thanks to all of you! Please post the links to your blog posts after you blog about the meet, so we can add it to the meeting page. Smile

Aarif Ali Saiyed
Aarif Ali Saiyed
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Here is his profile's Link on IndoBlogger :               http://www.indiblogger.in/blogger/3198/

 and here is the the link of thread he has started on Forum 

Sherin's little tips for bloggers - ask me your doubts

from Mumbai
15 years ago
ya guys.. was a wonderful meet.. finance guy's tactics were amazing and informative, can any1 tell me his name.. the speech on blogger rights was also ver informative..dint get much about the techie stuff of win 7 but good presentation.. well undoubtedly pizzas were amazing ... we should arrange such meets frequently.. cheers Shashi ..
from Bangalore
15 years ago

His name is Shirin. He has started a thread in the forum.

Amit Kumar Choudhary
Amit Kumar Choudhary
from Bangalore
15 years ago

IndiBlogger ki Jai Ho Wink

It was a great meet of people with different background and interesting ideas. The Finance blogger was our hero of the day. The efforts and ideas he employed on his blog were mind blowing...to the extend he even created a creative website to attract visitors to his site.

The intro, the session on legal issues of blogging and Windows 7 was informative...



from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi everyone,

Yesterday was my first-ever Bloggers' meet - and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

  • Sendil's talk about blogger's rights and responsibilities - the fine line - was extremely informative an relevant.
  • Finance-guy (he should consider that as a pen-name now ;) - he was the star of the event with his excellent tips about monetizing the blog.
  • Arif's little demo about PMW had me all excited - thats the kind of software every Windows user is looking for!
  • Not to forget the demos of Windows 7
  • And the most fun part (other than the pizzas of course :P) was the One minute of Fame.

Kudos to Indiblogger team for geting the show on the road. Looking forward to more such events in the future. Cheers!



Sherin Devassy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Kiran, My name is Sherin and my blog name is The Money Maniac Smile

Thanks, Sherin

Prashant Dhanke
Prashant Dhanke
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Very informative and fun meet.

Discussions on legal implications of controvertial content, earning money through Adsense, blog hosting, indiblogger's new exciting initiatives and microsoft's window7 cool demo were the highlights.

Pretty friendly and casual atmosphere. I guess the attendance must have been more than 50,  many people dropped in for shorter intervals too.

Thanks to Indiblogger team for organizing the event; as Arif mentioned, it deserves a huge Thumbs up .

Bindumadhavi P
Bindumadhavi P
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

Could not make it..

how many participants were there?

Aarif Ali Saiyed
from Bangalore
15 years ago

There were almost 100 people.

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