SPYQUIEHARE would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://thedailydishout.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 25

not so much a review, but was wondering if the blog makes any sense!?

from Bombay
13 years ago

would be great. thx

Replies 1 to 4 of 4
from Chennai
13 years ago

nah uh!! doesnt make sense to me....could you please explain the caricatures...I am sure they are all funny but I am not getting any of the jokes!


from Bombay
13 years ago

thanks Abhinav!

They are just simple paint brush drawn pictures with a thread of a story not intended to be funny, but may be ironic, happy or plain silly and absurd. Or maybe its all in my head :)

Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Whoa! Cool drawing. I like your blog. I hope you drew those coz they r really neat :) I tried my hand at drawing on my last post. May be I can get tips from u :D.

One suggestions tho: Why don't u try writing soethign along with the pics? It would make the blog really interesting

from Bombay
13 years ago

hey Pavan, thank! those are my drawings... i dont think you need any tips from me, your's seem pretty neat as well.

i did toy with the thought of writing some along with the pictures, but i get so caught up with my choice of words that I dont go anywhere beyond a sentence. though I might try that with my next post. lets see how that goes.
