Inside My PoemBook

I write poetries mostly with rhymical ending.My poem varies in variety and has a concept within it.I am into blogging in . I am new to Indiblogger and I have already a friend in the cooking forum.Hope I will have nice company here too.

First of all, Hi to everyone here Smile

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from Mumbai
13 years ago
Hi uma read ur blog its really nice..

Hmm..Thanks Guys

Hi! also please see the discussion thread in Regions & Languages on "Inviting Poets for their contribution for children's poems". 

you can showcase ur poems there.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
13 years ago

Hi Uma, welcome to IndiBlogger.

You can ask for a review for your Blog under the Blog Review section. You can also read out some of the Guidelines that have been laid for Beginners on IndiBlogger.

You will have fun being here Cool

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