Smileys for Blogger posts!!

Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

Hey all...

Among the many features Blogger lack, there are smileys. We can't really have smileys in our blogposts other than the symbols.. :(

But now here's a method which convertssuch symbols into reaal smiley images. I have made a bunch of smileys which you may freely use in your blogs. 

Check the post here for more details: Get your smileys!!

Now you can use all those smileys in your posts!! Happy emoting.Smile

Do lemme know of your comments and suggestions!!

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: changed category
Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
kunal sachdeva
kunal sachdeva
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Hey thnx buddy.... Nice Post

Can u tell me how to have it in wordpress....

 As wordpress Don't allow us to use javascript..

Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

No idea about wordpress dude!Frown

You'll have to figure it our yourselves!

from Chicago
15 years ago

I knew about this long back. I also have a post on it in my blog. Its a cool thing to have simleys on your blog. But my blog script seems to be giving me some problem so I have to figure that out and start using them.

from Hyderabad / Pilani
15 years ago

Never knew about these smileys.. thnks et.. you can bet that I will be using them in all my posts from now on.. (you see Im a smilie addict!!) LaughingLaughingLaughing

Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

I'm pleased! :)

from Bangalore
15 years ago

ah well I was having them since long time Smile

Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

Oh cool. But I also meant sharing the smileys I made Smile

And bro BTW u've got an amazing blog. It's a nice art blog. Loved yeah wrks. Looking forward to more great works. I'm at the followers! :)

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