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[ ] IndiRank: 21

How do you rate My blog

Moda Sattva
Moda Sattva
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

How do u rate my blog 

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Moda Sattva
Moda Sattva
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Thankyou Murali Krishna

That is very kind of you. The Review is professional. I could not have asked any better. I get lot of feedback on the blog regarding content, not about the blog looks and features. 

I will follow your suggestion on Pictures

Due to the nature of the Posts I do , the frequency is not something I can control. When I learn something new, I  post.

Wepostalot or other widgets are on trial basis. If they don't bring any traffic , will be removed once they crawl.

Hyperlinks are shiny blue, they should be visible. I will check again. It is just the convention that links should be blue. If they are not visible , I can change the colour.

The Home page is ten posts. May be I can reduce to 5 pages.Beyond that the search engines wont pick up any. The template has changed so much, I don't know where to start reforming it.  I am designing a HTML5 template , but that will take time.

Label section is really needed. People find lot of information with labels. It extends the time the reader spends on the blog. Most of my blog traffic is not my friends. Ofcourse there is a dedicated blog followers. But most of the blog traffic is from search engines. Most of the regular readers get my posts in RSS or Email reads. So anybody who comes has to look around the site. The labels are the key. The readers land at a post from google search. They they have to go back to the topics page, which many miss. Any search on the post will lead them to labels.

The blog article will load immediately, but other things are widgets which take their own time. That is because the widgets get content from outside. Widgets link to about 19 external sites outside blogger. But the widget that takes the longest to load is Popular topics widget from blogger itself. I have no solution there. If the post is all text, then it will load immediately. But the search engine rankings for the post will be bad. If the Post has lot of links and Images, then takes forever to load, but search engine ranking will be very good. There lies the compromise.  I will keep in mind your suggestion though.

I will look at width for  "this day in history" and "todays birthday", that should not be a problem.

As you can see I keep anonymous. I  want to keep that way. That plainly because of the topics I deal with. Threats, Abuse are very common. That is why comments are moderated. I go extra length to cover my tracks.  Anonymity makes the reader to focus on the material in the blog, then who wrote it. I find that is really good. Because in India, you know the first question. What is your caste?

I Appreciate your time and inputs. Once again , thankyou