Has your blog content been investigated by some unknowns?

from Hyderabad
12 years ago

I was checking google analytics and I found that I had 1 particular visitor through google search for this search:

"wow….so arundhati roy candidly admits that her job is to only ask questions and criticize and not suggest possible answers"

That is from one of the recent posts on my blog. As you can see, it is too precisely worded to be a coincidence. And my website is the first link that comes up, the search being a 100% match.

I didn't do it, and niether did my co-author. So, SOMEONE checked up on us to see, presumably, if the content was original. Good for us that we write our own original content. But I was surprised that someone took the pain to do this. 

Has this even happened to you?

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from Allahabad
12 years ago

If you are serverd with some type of contempt notice..then it must be some Congressi Stooges...LOL...Kidding

from Hyderabad
12 years ago

no, I guess it's probably someone from this forum. not that it matters. I was just curious to see if others have have similar experiences.

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