Manav Lalotra would like you to review his/her blog.
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Seeking your comments and suggestions on my blog!!

Manav Lalotra
Manav Lalotra
from Pune
12 years ago


I have been scribbling for long now but had never been a part of a blogger forum. Everyone here has his/her own ideas and views being listed in some form of the other. It will be a pleasure rather honour to get my blog reviewed by all of you all creative people. Please review my blog and leave comments as to how do I fair as a contributor the forum and also how can i get better at that.

I will review your blog as well for sure and share my view on the same.

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: refresh
Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Shimmeshine Shine
Shimmeshine Shine
from Dubai
12 years ago

Thanks for adding me to your network, I am a newbie :)

Aparna Mudi
Aparna Mudi
from Delhi
12 years ago

Hi manav

I was writing a review earlier but i went offline before i could post it unfortunately Very nicely written blog posts. Clearly your strength lies in writing about organisational skills and most of the posts are very informative. I personally liked "Benched" a lot. You have a clear style of writing and hopefully the flair shall grow with time. 

You have also taken good advice from Ashish and changed your template. It would be nice if you lessen the width of the main body. even with a wide screan i need to scroll right. A reader may not like it.

Also, please do put picture credits. even if it to the website you have taken it from. 

But great going... Hope you keep coming up with more


Aparna Mudi
Aparna Mudi
from Delhi
12 years ago


I was writing a review earlier but unfortunately i went offline before i could post it.

Very nicely written blog posts. Clearly your strength lies in writing about organisational skills and most of the posts are very informative. I personally liked "Benched" a lot. You have a clear style of writing and hopefully the flair shall grow with time. 

You have also taken good advice from Ashish and changed your template. It would be nice if you lessen the width of the main body. even with a wide screen i need to scroll to the right. A reader may not like it.

Also, please do put picture credits. even if it to the website you have taken it from. 

But great going... Hope you keep coming up with more

Manav Lalotra
from Pune
12 years ago

Thanks for the review Apaprna and I appreciate your comments. I will try to induce the suggestions in my blog. Keep reviewing my posts and stay connected.

Do share your comments on the posts for the me and my readers.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hi Manav,just a small suggestion...

Your sketches are nice..Can't you display a slideshow of them on your home page?

I don't have much knowledge of it myself,but I've seen few blogs using it.