Rujuta Xavier would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 40

Looking for genuine feedback on my writing style, specially the short stories on

Rujuta Xavier
Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

I have been blogging for past two years now, and have written quite an amount of posts. I have everything from personal sharings to peotries and short stories.

Since I am a Roman Catholic, some of my posts are reflections on spirituality too. 

I would like to have a genuine critical feedback on my writing style as well as the short stories that I have authored.

Replies 1 to 6 of 6
Veer Modi
Veer Modi
from Vadodara
12 years ago

Hello Rujuta, I visit your blog now. It's interesting. I think You have not create this blog for only monetization, you are enjoying blogging for yourself. Nice writing style (I'm not butter ploishing you). The best part of your blog is your different blog layouts.

I would like to suggest you to strictly stick with one fix blog lay out and stick to single niche for blogging, only if you want to be a professional blogger. Otherwise you are doing great for yourself. I hope you find this review helpful.

Veer Modi
from Vadodara
12 years ago

Ohh... I forgot to mention about your stories. Your writing style is good. And your stories are very interesting. I would like to visit your blog regularly. You are serving fresh stuffs.. 

Rujuta Xavier
Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

Thanks Veer for such a candid review! You can hit the ''subscribe" link on the right middle of the screen to get reguiar updates...

Veer Modi
from Vadodara
12 years ago

You're welcome. I am subscribing right now. Have a good day.

Sanchari Banerjee
Sanchari Banerjee
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Wonderful blog! I really liked your short stories; they always have some deeper meaning behind them. Nice! Keep blogging! :)

Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

Thanks Sanchari, I am glad you liked my style of writting! :)

Pearlie Samuel
Pearlie Samuel
from Chennai
12 years ago

Hi Rujita,

I like the brevity of your posts the most :) Usually when we come across blogs with short stories, they are usually long, apparently a lot of words are required to get a story through to the next person! But I must say your stories/happenings are conveyed in the shortest way possible! Really appreciate that! 

Have added you to my blog reader, hoping to read more from you :) 

Do take a look at my blog too.. 


Dr Debmita Dutta
Dr Debmita Dutta
from Bangalore
12 years ago


Nice blog nice stories. Very thought provoking. I like it that you think so deeply and convey your thoughts so well

Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

Thanks Varsha, I trully appreciate your efforts in reviewing my blog. Thank you for your genuine response and appreciation Smile

akashdeep dwivedi
akashdeep dwivedi
from lucknow
11 years ago

the poem was gud but your name is alien to what does RUJUTA means.?

Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
11 years ago

Akashdeep, thanks for your postive review...

Rujuta shouldn't be an alien name to you... Its a word with sanskrit roots. Rujuta means delicate... The story so goes that when I was born I looked so soft and delicate and fragile that my dad decided to name me Rujuta...

Ofcourse my full name Rujuta Xavier may seem alien to you since there aren't meany who have an Indian first name and an anglo last name...