Sims would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Please review my personal blog.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Dear Bloggers,

I've been blogging since 2008 and I'm pretty active ith respect to updating my blog. Can you review my blog and let me know which areas I need to improve to get a large fan following.

Thanks all!



Replies 1 to 7 of 7
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Hello Sims..  Love your blog's title, firstly. Words & Expressions.. so simple but talking of much more..


Regards appeal in the template, I think I'd suggest a little more vibrancy.. brighter colors in the background, and lighter post background with dark fonts, so it's easier to read. There's a saying when it comes to food, "People eat with their eyes first, so presentation is essential." Similarly you can say the template would bring your reader's attention too.


In your blogger profile, which is shown, there isn't anything about you.. not even generic information :) Put something so people know something about you when they visit. Use the sidebar to full effect.. in the template designer, choose a single sidebar layout, than the split one, and put the essential basic widgets like Followers, Profile, Archive etc. near the top, where they can be prominent.  There are some widgets like "Popular Posts" which can link to more read posts from your history.. even the LinkWithin widget (search google, you'll find) would be useful. Not sure if that quick response widget is something useful either, I know it's some sort of code, but as a new reader, I wouldn't understand it.


Adsense isn't something I'm fond of, I don't know how much it gives you or such :) but if you can, give ads less priority to your content. 


It's a personal blog :) The posts are like a diary entry of sorts, isn't it.. something special that you like to share on the blog every once a while.. I think when you're still getting followers, it's good to write more often than once a month or so. Read more, go to blogs which you would like to read, and you stick to them, they would come to your blog too then.. and over a period of time, you'll get a following. That's what I can suggest. 


Cheers & happy blogging!

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Thanks a lot Leo for your valuable review on my blog.

I agree with your suggestions and I'll try to follow your suggestions one by one. Thanks again! :)

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Hi Friends,

I'm changing the look and feel of my blog:

I have added pages About Me and My Web Log. Let me know your comments regarding the look and feel.

Ashesh Mitra
Ashesh Mitra
from Kolkata, India
12 years ago

Dear sims,

Your blog is really sweet. I love the title. The style is also great! Do keep posting. It's a fantastic blog!

Your other blog is also good. You are quite right. Nowadays people dont bother with those good morning messages. 

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Thanks for the motivation and following my blog Ashesh!

manjusha pandey
manjusha pandey
from mumbai
8 years ago
Great blog Sims!
from Bengaluru
8 years ago

Thanks Manjusha!

Felicia Nazareth
Felicia Nazareth
from Mumbai
8 years ago

I love your blog. Simple yet uniquely beautiful