Rashmi Yadav would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://eccentricrashmi.blogspot.com/ ]

Review My Blog

Rashmi Yadav
Rashmi Yadav
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Yes, I only and truly write in relevance to Me and thus INDIA and Indian Blogosphere.

Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Rashmi Yadav
Rashmi Yadav
from Mumbai
15 years ago

DAMN IT!!! hey thanks for reviewing my blog, and i am not damning coz of this, i am damning coz now the whole world knows apart from india that how, how much technologically challenged i am   :(

from New York
15 years ago

Hi Rashmi,

Slice of Life would be more appropriate to describe your blog. Loved it but you should write more.

Review my Blog / Follow me on Twitter / Websnacker / Ideasonic Studios

Rashmi Yadav
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hey Dear Websnacker,

Thanks for your review and yeah actually the idea or rather the name you suggested sounds cool, will think about it forsure. And yes i am trying to write more but little timepressed, hence but nonetheless i'll do try more.

Thanks again.

nice personal stories...i would say your postings are a bit long.  I was advised that on longer postings, it would be good to put a continue reading link within the post.

Rashmi Yadav
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hey Apurva,

Thanks for reading and reviewing my blog. And about the reading link on longer posts can you guide me more, as to how to go about that.



Vinay Bavdekar
Vinay Bavdekar
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Nice stories. Especially the MTNL customer service and the bus ride.  About the sidebar. You have a list of tags, which has become too long. Instead of the list, why don't you use a tag cloud? It shortens the unnecessary length of the tag list.

And before you ask me how to go about it, you can find step-by-step instructions on the internet for that. Just type "tag cloud widget for blogger" in google. You'll be spoilt for choices.



Rashmi Yadav
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hey Vinay,

Thanks for the compliments, and wow i am gradually becoming popular for my technological unawareness sniff sniff :(

But thanks for the help though for the cloud option. 

Rashmi Yadav
Rashmi Yadav
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Ok friends, 

I admit i am not that well versed with technology but i was being way too childlike, its also that i am painfully lazy hence i try and not to bother about other things and concentrate on the content of what i am writing on my blog and i think that's the basic and most important thing why i've signed up for a blog.

All your comments and suggestions are truly and deeply welcomed though. Do keep visiting.

