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Please review 'Expressive Silence'

Bak Bak Queen
Bak Bak Queen
from Sharjah
15 years ago

Hey All,

Please take some time out to review and let me know how you like it? Also if there is something you would like me to add, please let me know.

I'm all ears for your comments and healthy criticisms.

Thank you. :)

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Bold characters hurt my eye
Replies 1 to 8 of 8
Bak Bak Queen
Bak Bak Queen
from Sharjah
15 years ago

Thanks Gaurav :)

Bak Bak Queen
Bak Bak Queen
from Sharjah
15 years ago

Nav bar helps me navigate. It wasn't there but I added it. Any alternate option to it?

from india
15 years ago

lot of pics ,  just try to arrange  them again .

nice blog

from Delhi
15 years ago

Your blog is not doing much justice to the name. It needs to be decluttered and try not to use too many bright pix as it is taking away all the attention from the actual content. I loved your poetry. keep writing .Good luck .

Bak Bak Queen
Bak Bak Queen
from Sharjah
15 years ago

Thank you  - all of you  - thanks a ton for the review

I've decluttered a bit. If possible, please take a look and let me know :D

Thanks again!

blog gore
blog gore
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi R... I am a huge fan of your writing... And I agree that as a reader.. sometimes the visuals do get in the way.... you writing is expressive, lucid and beautiful... every reader probably reads, feels, interprets, visualises and internalises what you write a little differently from another... but the visual imagery may at time influence the reader... and take away some of the pleasure....

I for one would love to read some of your poetry... when you have too many images... with my eyes closed... but I cant :-(

At the same time... the blog is your attempt at expressing yourself... and you have every right to do it your way... if the images and the writing combined is a sum total of your expression and personality... so be it...


Bak Bak Queen
Bak Bak Queen
from Sharjah
15 years ago

@ Rachit

Sadly expressive was not availble :) Thank you so much for all the nice words :)

Bak Bak Queen
Bak Bak Queen
from Sharjah
15 years ago

@ Blog gore

Yes, I've seen you comment on my blog and I even tagged you today :D

Surely, I've been told that and I agree. I'm sorry you tried to read it with your eyes closed! Hehehe. How did you do that? I can imagine how it gets in the way and will surely reduce the number of pictures I use. Thank you so much mate

God bless. :)