Komarraju Venkata Vinay would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://affirmativethinking.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 36

your review is PRICELESS...It takes ONLY 5 minutes

Hello indiblogger friends,

I am a few days old in indiblogger and I see requests for review of blogs. While I am delighted to see real reviews, I watch with horror the passing views that say good blog, photo is good, nice picture. I am sure that is not review. 

My request to the learned indibloggers is please review my blog.  Please click here

Thanks and Regards

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Capitalization and use of only
Replies 1 to 4 of 4
from Delhi
15 years ago

hi i just been through ur blog.... its nice... i have commented too :)

from Delhi
15 years ago

Please review my blog too


I veiwed and posted a detailed review. Hope you liked it.

from Chennai
14 years ago

Great Blog..Vinay..Its simply great.. http://ballat.blogspot.com

from Valsad
14 years ago


I visited ur blog hosted on wordpress.com. The content is very much good indeed. I liked the philosophy which quite matches with mine. So it was very pleasant to read ur articles.Specially the small quotes that you embed between is a sign of an experienced writer. I know how hard (and sometimes even the most easy thing) it is to pen down what exactly we want to convey. You did tht in a very good manner. I liked the small quotations on the side pane. What more I want to point out is that, you created a 'science' section which described threw light on the rather debatable subject with a "logical perspective". That was 'needed'. 

On the technical side, I would suggest you to make the fonts a little bigger. May be 1 or 2 points bigger as nowadays many laptops and computers come with higher resolutions which makes your fonts look smaller. It may definitely give me a strained eye if I read more than 3 articles on your blog. Sorry to be a little frank but I had to say it. And my another suggestion to you is to cut down couple of widgets from the side pane. In my opinion, there are too many small widgets there.

Over all your blog has a very good balance between amazing and spirit enhancing content and a simplicity that your blog template shows. Keep it up!

Jal Desai
