I am a newbie to blogging, please help me improvise my blogs
Let me be honest ! is an honest attempt to know people and situations in the right way.
I think there is a lot that you can do with your blog. Since you are on blogger, I suggest that you browse through the templates google offers and find a suitable theme and then set it up with good navigation, use excerpts on front page.
Thanks Abhra for your comments , I will surely try experimenting with the theme and other stuffs to make it look apealing.
Hi Arthika,
I read your blog and I must say you write with a lot of honesty. I am not going to give feedback on fonts and themes and stuff like that. I will stick to the "Writing".
I think your blog has a "diary" feel to it, and it suits the themes you write on. The only aspect I found while reading was the inconsistency in the tenses. If you observe, you are shifting tenses in sentences. If you can maintain the consistency, the writing will look smoother and easier to read.
Keep Writing
Hi Sanjay,Thank you so much for your genuine comments. I will surely work on getting it right.