Dr. Pankaj Goyal would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://pgalmora.wordpress.com ] IndiRank: 32

Kindly review my blog 'The Bibulous Bibliobiuli'

Dr. Pankaj Goyal
Dr. Pankaj Goyal
from Pune
10 years ago

Please review my blog. In this blog you will find book reviews, author interviews, quotes and much much more (of coures, all related to books). Kindly have a look and let me know your views on my blog.

Thanks in advance...:)


Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

I Have reviewed your blog - "http://pgalmora.wordpress.com" named -The Bibulous Bibliobiuli. Following comments -

1. Name - Liked it. Good choice with innovation.

2. Blog URL - Did not understand why 'pgalmora' is taken...nothing remotely related to books..or am I missing something?

3. Design - Very nice. Neat, elegant. But there is a shortfall. On your home page try to have a tile view of important articles you have written. May be you can keep this divided based on category of books. Since you have at least one image in each article you can easily achieve this by using the image as the tile. Easy to access any section.

4. Menu - You have a short and simple menu. I liked it but when I tried searching for some specific category of books I failed. Suggest if your menu at least can divide the books in terms of category.

5. Author Interview - I liked this the most. You can easily do it remotely by sending them questionnaire through email and getting response and publishing the same. Also the way you have covered different aspects of an author's life is praisworthy.

6. Book Quotes - Quotes about books. Very good section. Liked it

I have started following your blog as I liked it. Even though I am not an avid reader of books ( I only study online). I maintain and wirte about human rights. All my articles are research based. Do give me your valuable feedback on my blog - parthasadhukhan.wordpress.com


Dr. Pankaj Goyal
from Pune
9 years ago


Thanks for reiewing my blog and sorry for a delayed reply. I will go through your blog and post my review soon. Thanks for doing the needful.

