Bienu Verma Vaghela would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 47

Looking for feedback on my blog

Bienu Verma Vaghela
Bienu Verma Vaghela
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Destinations explored, Travel experiences shared by talking to real time people.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Vibhuti Bhandarkar
Vibhuti Bhandarkar
from Pune
10 years ago


Happy to give my feedback on my reading experience at your blog Bienu.

It all begins with the name. I was stuck at the blog title that needs an apostrophe and a space bar to make the Title memorable and easy to pronounce.

your travelogue is well written, with a whole lot of information and spiced with interesting tidbits about the destinations visited. Ive landed at the Blog when you've written about Phillipines and your elaboration on the different cities bring forth great visuals into my imagination. However for me a Travelgoue also promises great pictures. The pictures you have posted though scenic, are too tiny to be breath taking! However as I scrolled down and discovered posts of photographs clicked at other interesting locations, I found you do have a treasure trove up your sleeve, to share. Especially the Capillas De MarmolAisen Region had me captivated.

Such an extensively travelled person with wide spread interests has so much knowledge to share. This BLOG is definitely recommended as it has great reading material and is absolutely a delight to go through. 

Only I wish the blog was a little wider with a bigger font size. In my opinion dark font on light background will give better readability and enhancement to the pictures. 

Am glad I hopped over to review this blog. I will definitely be following!

Thanks and ATB


Tanyaa Vaghela
Tanyaa Vaghela
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi Vibhuti,

Thanks so much dear for your ver valuable review.

I have made changes in my blog which has enhanced its look and feel, you can revisit it now for better experience.

As far as title is concerned, I can do little about it but thanks for bringing it to my notice.

Keep writing, lets connect.

Warm regards,

Bienu Verma Vaghela