Vvk would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://ywakeme.blogspot.com/ ] IndiRank: 24

Chk out my blog and do voice me

from Mallu Town
10 years ago

All voices appriciated

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Even though you are an old blogger you are not maintaining your blog properly. I have following suggestions for you -

1. Frequency - Please be more frequent in posting. Standard is four posts a month. Less frequency may kill your blog with no follower and you may lose interest.

2. Blog Name - I did not understand the meaning of the name of your blog. It bring some negative connotation to me. Kindly choose a more exciting name based on the subject of the topics covered.

3. About Section Missing - Any visitor will like to know more about the author. Please add one about section for the visitors to know more about you.

4. Design Awesome - I likes the blog design. Specially the option to change the layout. You only need to have appropriate image for each of your blog post.

5. Category - You need to have blog category and post each blog under relevant category. People visiting your blog will be interested to know different category you write about and they may choose to visit blogs specific to their are of interest. Currently since all posts are random people will lose interest if they don;t find the first post interesting enough.

6. Menu - Have a menu based on category for easy navigation through all topics.

7. Add your photo - Add your photo and link to FB or Twitter pages. This helps you develop your brand. Remember your blog is your brand maintain the same and promote the same.

8. English grammar - In some of your posts you have not taken care English grammar or used colloqual language while writing. You need to do thorough proof read before publishing a post.

9. Contests - I suggest you participate in all blogging contest that you come across. That will improve your wrting skill and others'blogs will improve your blog.

10. Visit other blogs and learn - There are many beautiful blogs around. Visit other prominent award winning blogs and see how they maintain their blogs. Post your comments and get their feedback in turn.

11. Join different bloggers' network - Not only to take part in contest, take part in forum discussions and learn from other bloggers.

12. Attend bloggers' meet - Get to know the bloggers personally. You will learn a lot.


Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Kindly provide me with your feedback about my blog too - parthasadhukhan.wordpress.com