Urmika Agarwal would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://thecharmingfreak.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 32

You've GOT to review this!

Urmika Agarwal
Urmika Agarwal
from Mumbai
14 years ago

The Fallacy of Existence, (my blog), is exactly what you want to read, to blow off steam, to help you think and anything else at all.

So you've got to review this, let others know about the blog.

Because I write, for you.


Urmika Agarwal

P.S You're always welcome to get back to me if you have any questions, on the blog, or here :)


Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Had not really specified my reasons for the review earlier.
Replies 1 to 10 of 10
Nishant Mishra
Nishant Mishra
from New Delhi
14 years ago

O Charming Freak! You welcomed me to the crooked fidelity and got me stuck there for so long that I had a tough time getting back to reality as your blog impressed me so much so that I couldn't refrain from writing a review 'cause I HAD to!:)

BTW, could you please increase the size of the font in your posts? I had to Ctrl+ many times. There must be a way in wordpress too though I couldn't find that in my wordpress blog. Solution must be with HTML thing.

I liked your post on À Bout De Souffle. Maintenant, il me semble que j'ai oublier tout mon francais mais je ne peux rien faire.

About your blog. I like it a lot. Posts are short but sweet... full of humor and color. Selection of pictures is cool. Consider adding some more widgets in your sidebar. Frequency of posting is very good. Keep chirping.

Know what! At first the skeleton did frighten me up, but that's the beauty of a dark template, it absorbs all eeriness. Consider changing your template too. Get a preview in Mistylook or Vigilance theme. You'll be benefited.

This is the longest review I have ever written for a blog. You are lucky!:)

Happy blogging!:)

Urmika Agarwal
Urmika Agarwal
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thank you! You're in fact one of the first few people to have told me you like reading :) I have a facebook page, if you're interested I can pass on the link.

Keep me posted, keep commenting on the blog :D




Naveen kumar
Naveen kumar
from chandigarh
14 years ago
increase the font size n reduce the number of posts displayed on the first page content is gud ....
Deepak Nichani
Deepak Nichani
from Mumbai / Dubai
14 years ago

even i would recommend increasing the font size on your blog.. layout is good... posts are kool... widgets i think are sufficent enough (may be you can add 1 or 2 more if you like)... over all a job well done... cheers and keep it up...


( you can check my blog too.. feedback would be appriciated)


Urmika Agarwal
Urmika Agarwal
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I don't know how to increase the font size, tried, but isn't happening. So I think you gotta stick to ctrl++'ing. Heh.

Thanks for all the feedback, really appreciate it :)

from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Loved the blog, I mean the template. it has the airy attitude and dark backgroud makes it look so original. Good one really :)


Have just read the latest post and found it very sweet :). Will check out other posts too pretty soon.


And yes I feel the font is perfect :)

Raghu V N
Raghu V N
from Thrissur
14 years ago

Just as everyone, my suggestion is to increase the font size!!!

Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
14 years ago

install this plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/change-font-size/ to change the font size, simple!!!

Paulami Guha Biswas
Paulami Guha Biswas
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

just stumbled upon your blog. like what u write.

very beautiful blog well arranged in every aspect.

poems too inspiring and toching to the heart. with musical treat too.

Urmika Agarwal
from Mumbai
13 years ago

thank you :) Please join the facebook page if you're there, and suggest to others too :)

