Hindu fundamentalism?

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

What is this about Hindu fundamentalist camps for girls? I came across this post by chance & i don't know what to believe.Do read this link & let us all find out whether to believe it or not.Anybody from Aurangabad on IB forum ?


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It's SICK!! Yell

I mean, if you want to preach Hinduism, it's fine, but do it the right way. Hinduism, doesn't say to use rifles and knives, and see the people of other religion as your enimies. They don't say to marry early, and that there is no need for higher education. It's always preaches love, peace and harmony. And if you want to follow something, do it, but you have no rights to force others to do the same, or consider them has "dirty" if they don't agree with your views. This is simply against the fundamental rights.

I think such "institutions" should be banned. They are responsible for creating hatred for other religions in the young minds of children who have no idea what they are going through. This is actually brain-washing. 

I'm sure if this is not stopped, it's going to grow up like the Al-Qaeda and the Naxals. They too had a similar start, and gradually grew.

It's very sad such people portray religion in the wrong sense. I simply believe they don't derserve a place in this country, and should be treated as criminals. But surely, none in the politics has the guts to do so, and so these flourish. 

indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Ritvik you are right on line...you have said just what many of us feel...but i am surprised that such a camp does exist--does it ? i wonder!

I think they do exist. Particularly in the areas where people are not open to the world. 

from Chennai
12 years ago

BS I say! These camps simply bring shame to the country and the religion... they should be banned and punished.!


Subhorup Dasgupta
Subhorup Dasgupta
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Living in a country where the two major political parties strategize based on religion and class, where people are divided on the basis of the kind of meat they eat, and matrimonials are categorized by gothra, it is a waste of time to debate the idea of militant fundamentalism. This has been a part of our national fabric from way before Independence. All one has to do is deconstruct the idea of militancy down to its root elements, and we will find that these camps are in our homes, in our communities, in our schools, and in our hearts. What is needed is a deep cleansing of our communal ethics. Of course, this is a generalization, and it is a fact that a very large section of the population thinks otherwise. Much of the blogging community is actively involved in countering such thinking. But there is little use in taking punitive action against those who have come to believe in militancy, it only hardens them and strengthens their feeling of victimization. What we need to do is replace hatred with compassion, suspicion with understanding, and revulsion with acceptance. If each one of us can create that island of tolerance within himself or herself, we can change the destiny of our nation. Let the camps flourish, I say, but let us turn them into camps for spreading love and tolerance.

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Can anyone vouch for the existence or otherwise of such camps?How do we know that all this is not stage-managed for the sake of sensationalism?I am not saying that it IS,but such things do happen.

I remember long back ,there was a B.B.C.correspondent stationed in Delhi.Whenever there was a controversy he would go into a gathering & incite people to raise slogans,& make gestures of violent protests-the people would oblige-anything for a' Gora'.

A 13 year old girl speaking... Please flag this video on youtube.

Link -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9prdsRoen0

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The checks and balance comes into play when determining how the female segment of the society has to be treated or potrayed.  Religious or rather traditional concerns to retain womenfolk in their respective communities drive hostility towards other religion. The classic case of honour killing is only manifestation of this urge.  A middle path is advisable.  Many a communities are finding difficult to find a bride, because the girls themselves want to move out of the community.  This trend cannot be reversed but an attempt is made by so called elders.

today , a news I just read. a d.i.g. of saharanpur range said on a query of a lad. " if my sister would run away, I would kill her with my revolver. He affirmed honor killing as right.

Now, the point is, leaders will continue to mislead and make groups of illiterates as well as literates, convincing the old texts and pretexts. people will continue to die in the name of saving a goddamn god or a culture,

I strongly advocate need of actions against leaders of provocative channelisers and they ought to be booked under law. otherwise god knows where we are heading. 

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

We cannot justify honour killing in a democractic set up.  But the fear of conversion is probably leading to fundamentalism.  It happens across the world right from the time of crusade.  I am sure sanity will prevail and people will compromise.  

Deepa Duraisamy
Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

People in our country know how to capitalize well in the name of religion. Take for example Shiv Sena. They wreck the offices and stores that sell Valentine Cards and promote love saying its against our culture. So smashing stores and stoning people and breaking windows is part of our culture? Since when? I hate it when certain sects of the society use these senseless excuses to justify their actions. The institution that's talked about in the article you have shown us is horrendous. Wed early? No higher education? They are setting up these girls for failure. Its almost as if its being hammered into their head to be subservient. And yet at some point or the other, these guys do rule or stay in power because they get voted :( Which is the sad reality. Our generation has a lot of intelligent souls. We need to start taking the right step towards anti-discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, area of birth etc. Change will happen but we need to play our part in not promoting such instituions. 

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

@ Ritvik thanks for that link,my doubts are removed,it was quite a revelation.

As anyone can see,we are all; right-thinking people over here;it is a shame that the other kind also live in our country.

I flagged that video to YouTube on the basis of "promotes hatred and violence".. But they replied they can't do anything...

BTW, don't forget to read the comments of the video. You'll know how many of them support her... It's sad actually... 

from Pune
12 years ago

Veer Bhogya Vasundhara 

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