Killing before birth.

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Amir Khan has done a great job by rousing public sentiment against female feticide which has wide-reaching consequences.Yesterday i saw a lady describing the abortion of her baby on a news channel,it was very poignant.It led me to think all abortions are similarly tragic & painful,for the mother at least.Should we go to the next level & condemn all abortions?Of course barring those cases where it is medically or psychologically necessary-like in case of rape victims.There will be a hue & cry against this,i know.

LETme make it clear that i ,too am totally against female feticide.But what about the other sex?

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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Basically if one should be against sex determination and abortion.  I am surprised in days of innumerable birth prevention techniques why should one conceive and later abort.  Secondly the doctors who selectively abort female child should be jailed as exemplary punishment, only than we will get rid of the scourge of abortion female sex.

indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

@Umesh  this tirade against female feticide will take care of half the problem...if the other half is also tackled intelligently,a mother's agony AND overpopulation will be adressed.

Sriram R
Sriram R
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hello Indu, I will agree that selective killing of the female chil is a big problem today and has to be rooted out but banning and condemning all abortions is not going to help. The other major issue that India faces is contraception and the knowledge of the same to all its citizens and that can happen if we ensure the spread of education and sex education.


Any abortion is a risky procedure and has its impact on the health of the woman and has to be avoided and to ensure that we have to ensure all are educated on the consequences and how it can be avoided. 

indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Hullo Sriram,you are right that education of all is the need of the hour,but there are many difficulties...let me give you an example---

Since the last six months a labor's family has pitched a jhuggi in front of my home,they are construction workers...this woman has 5 kids-all below the age of 11yrs...2 boys are barely 10mths apart & two girls also only 10 mths apart...i have never seen these kids bathing or combing their hair or wearing clean clothes,even the heat nowadays does not motivate them to stay clean...any clothes we residents give them are never washed....the whole day these kids loiter here & a few months they will shift elsewhere;so how will these kids find education?..if i had the money i could have bought a mobile van & taught them something....but how can the education of such kids be managed? Any ideas anybody?

@Indu I have read the threads till yours and to your question, I guess educating the parents is necessary .Though a very challenging process, at least the parent must be made to understand to educate their kids atleast for the sake of helping themselves survive the future.These kids as I guess knows only the world they live in ( dirty and untidy) ,if only they are able to see the other side of the world through their eyes (which can be done thro' teaching) ,a little transformation can pave way.

As for the female feticide,  the root cause of the problem should be stopped.

Root cause : Dowry and unsecured feelings of parents in their old age.

In India, parents tend to depend on security only through sons whereas daughter's are just money -wasters. Infact, still most mens do see womans atleast some percent below them and never above or equal to them.So in order for these changes to take place positively , the Mindset of the people should be changed .

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Uma it is true that women even today do not enjoy equal status & this is the root cause of the problem-i.e female feticide.

About those kids-everyday they see the kids of my locality dressing smartly,going to school then playing in a park-but they just dont take any lesson from them...i tried to teach them personal hygiene but they were just not interested...i think some pressure from the parents too is essential,but they are not bothered....after giving birth the kidsYell are largely left to their own is appaling.

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