Indiblogger-Twitter badges?

from Perth
15 years ago

Considering most of us here are on Twitter as well, (see Archit Tantia 's thread in the Forum) wouldn't it be nice if there was an Indi-Tweep badge here? 

any comments anyone?

Replies 1 to 12 of 12 Descending
Aditi Chakravorty
Aditi Chakravorty
from Pune
15 years ago


NT Balanarayan
NT Balanarayan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Indi-tweep.. am all for it! Cool

from Hyderabad / Pilani
15 years ago

Oh wow! I'd wan't one of those !!! Smile

Healthy Living India
Healthy Living India
from Bombay
15 years ago

My vote too...



Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Renie, can we get one???

from Perth
15 years ago

whoa!! this is nice...good to see Twitter Addiction Disorder (TAD) has affected the blogosphere to a great extent... 

nice! now, I was thinking Indi-Twolk would be better...or is Indi-Tweep better? Or, Indi-Twit? Wink

what do yu guys think? and Renie..what do u think?? 

from Perth
15 years ago

looks like not too many were interested in deciding what it'd be titled as much as getting one.. 

Renie...which one do u think is apt.?? any chances we might get one of these badges soon?

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Indi-Twolk? Smile Indi-Tweep? I don't know... IndiTweep sounds better I guess - badge coming up in a few hours!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Here you go, hope this is what you guys were expecting!

from Perth
15 years ago

Hey...thats perfect Renie, thanks a lot! 

hope there'd be a mad rush to use it... 

Feels good that I came up with the plan!!!!!! ;) lol

Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Dude Renie, IndiTweep kicks ass. And Varun, thanks for the idea! Now, we all can use it.

from Perth
15 years ago

 pleasure Zeon, Cheers! Wink

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Yo Varun, keep putting in these ideas! Smile

from Delhi
14 years ago

Tweepalicious I must say ;) great badge .. good work Renie buddy ..Hey Varun cheers to you for the most inovative thinking brain. ;) keep going.. TAD sure is catching on

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