from Delhi
15 years ago

Hi friends... I am new to indiblogger... Please guide more about this web site.... :)


Please guide how to inprove ranking.......... i have a big zero or may be negative :(

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
from Perth
14 years ago

Hello Kim, 

On behalf of everyone else, big welcome! 

Ranks come with blog posts and traffic. It might feel good to look at the rank every now and then but if improving ranks becomes the motive behind blogging, it kills the pleasure in writing posts and sharing experiences - the very purpose of citizen journalism or blogging.

You might have a lot to share on ur page but the only way to get people to your page is visit their pages and participate in the discussions there. You might wish to start this by finding people with similar areas of interest. You could use the tags here for that. You might also wish to peek into other bloggers in your city, which could also be done from the tag clouds here. When you do visit other pages, make sure you make your visit felt by apt comments and not just commenting for the sake of gaining attention. Sorry if that might sound strange or offensive but a few friends and I have come across such cases, and it gets a little frustrating to see them!

Participating in reading and replying to threads here in the forum would definitely give you a better idea of how things are in the blogosphere. 

You can request for reviews of your page in the new 'Blog Reviews section' which you can reach by the right button on the top-right of the page (on the nav column)

Should there be any other queries, please start a thread in the forum and wait for the feedbacks or solutions to pour in. 

Happy blogging, Wink


from Delhi
14 years ago

I have just added request for reviews. Thanks alot for your guidence :)

from Delhi
14 years ago

thanks varun... :)


please look at my blog and guide is it good enuf... and guied of need improvment....

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Welcome Kim, There is no particular guide to this website. Why don't you have a look around yourself.

For starters, this is the site forum, where you ask, answer or opine on the posts published here.

Indivine is a page where you can find (or submit your own) posts on popular topics listed here.

Indirank is a page with al the blogs in the directory sorted by ranking

They also have page for the Indi blogger of the month contest, a page dedicated to some excellent graphic badges and another one that lists the upcoming blogger meets.

About the ranking, yours will be updated in a few days (I hope!). If not please contact the webmasters about the issue.

Regarding about how to improve rankings, if I knew the answer to that question I would have earned loads of moolah-either by selling it to to you and the others or extorting from Renie in exchange for keeping myself from spreading their secret!!!

Cheers and once again welcome to the community.

from Delhi
14 years ago

Thanks dear.... :) i have posted my link in blog review if u have time kindly have a look thanks

from india
14 years ago

kim your blog is good .

about indi rank you will get it in few weeks may be 1 or 2 max.To improve indi rank just blog quality post , read others blogs give them comments so they will follow you .

 please visit below link and vote this way you will see many good links for the blogs also.

Its good you are thinking about ranks , this will give you inspiration to blog ,blog quality content .



from Delhi
14 years ago

thanks dear... :)

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